Posts by tablemanna (Page 62)

Baptism as Claiming and Response

The United Methodist Book of Worship states, “The Baptismal Covenant is God’s word to us, proclaiming our adoption by grace, and our word to God, promising our response of faith and love. May you remember your Baptism.  God has claimed you by grace.  Respond in faith by reaching in love.

Waters of Creation

Worship this Sunday at The Table will focus on the waters of new life.  One of our readings will be from the first creation story in chapter 1 of Genesis, 9And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. 10God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. Notice the goodness…

Baptism & Faith

Martin Luther argued, if… Baptism is made dependent on faith, we (would) scarcely ever arrive at the assurance of having sufficient faith and thus at the validity of our Baptism. … Baptism … points to the fact that salvation comes only from God. Pause to breathe throughout the day.  Allow the water you encounter at various points in your day to be a reminder of God’s Grace offered freely to you and to all of creation.  Do not think you will earn your…

Baptism & Children

Why Baptize Babies? The United Methodist Church responds in this way…. From the earliest times, children and infants were baptized and included in the church. As scriptural authority for this ancient tradition, some scholars cite Jesus’ words, “Let the little children come to me…for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs” (Mark 10:14). However, a more consistent argument is that baptism, as a means of grace, signifies God’s initiative in the process of salvation. John…


What ingredients have helped you grow in faith through the years? Do you need to return to any of these ingredients and take them out of the pantry once more? How might you experience them fully? Maybe some ingredients are no longer fresh and need to be discarded? May you never stop learning.

Sacramental Living

If we weren’t blind as bats, we might see that life itself is sacramental (Frederick Buechner).

Changed by Communion

Have you ever experienced communion as a mystical experience? How has communion shaped or changed your life?

Welcome In This Place

Think of some of the people you know who feel burned or bored by religion. Reflect on the lyrics from this song and consider how you might invite and welcome just one of the people you know to come and know God’s grace at The Table this Sunday through worship.
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