Sermons on John (Page 4)

Sermons on John (Page 4)

Holy Friday

Help flatten the curve & find bread for the journey with The Table on Holy Friday. Our 7:00pm online Holy Friday worship experience will be shared from our homes to your home as we invite reflection Jesus’ crucifixion amidst a global pandemic. The Table is a progressive Christian community of faith in Sacramento, CA. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Maundy Thursday

Help flatten the curve & find bread for the journey with The Table on Maundy Thursday. Our 6:00pm online Maundy Thursday gathering will be shared from our homes to your home as we invite reflection on Jesus’ Last Supper. The Table is a progressive Christian community of faith in Sacramento, CA. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Misunderstood Messiah

As the COVID-19 pandemic forces us into physical distancing, we’re coming together online as an act of hope. Worship this morning was rooted in John 11 and shared from our homes to your home. Help flatten the curve & find bread for the journey at The Table online. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Isn’t It Ironic

Matt’s message is rooted in John 4.5-42. In this time of social distancing, may we slow down with Jesus and be drawn by Living Water into ever deeper relationships with one another. 

That Mad I Feel

Matt’s message is rooted in John 1. 29-42. What do we do with the mad that we feel? is a four week worship series in January on lessons in Christian life from Rev. Fred Rogers.
Summer Movies at The Table


Matt’s message is rooted in the 2017 Pixar film Coco & the readings assigned to the global Christian church by the lectionary. Coco invites reflection on the power of memory. Jesus longs for us to break bread in remembrance of him and the unhidden truth is that remembering in the context of crucifixion was a radically anti-imperial act. Perhaps it can be, when rightly remembered, today as well?

God Loves

Matt’s message is rooted in John 17.20-26 & As It Is In Heaven, a 2004 Swedish film nominated for an Academy Award. Jesus prays for all to be one in his farewell prayer around a table with the disciples. As It Is In Heaven beautifully witnesses to this truth and The Table longs to be a community which fosters deeper awareness of our oneness in God’s love. How might you join in Restoration at The Table in hopes of passing…

Love God

Linda’s message, Love God, is rooted in John 14.23-29. Norman Wirzba writes, “Christian faith is an existential commitment or personal promises to perceive and live life in the kinds of ways that Jesus inspires and makes possible” (Way of Love, 36). What spiritual disciples are keeping you in love with God? What disciplines might you be called to take on? What disciplines might be worthy of re-considering?

Love One Another

This worship series hold’s Norman Wirzba’s Way of Love alongside the gospel readings for the global church as we wonder together about the transforming power and possibilities of love. Linda’s message, Love One Another, is rooted in John 13:31-35.

This Is Us

Matt’s message is rooted in John 10.22-30. How are we allowing the Risen One to hold us? Who is the Risen One calling us to hold?
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