Sermons on Mark (Page 6)

Sermons on Mark (Page 6)

Dreaming and Fishing

Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 1.14-20.  How might our sleep lead us to hearing the call of Jesus to follow?  As we find ourselves caught in the net of God’s love, how will we respond to God’s dream by fishing for people?


We had technical difficulties with our podcast recording in worship. Matt’s message was rooted in Mark 1.1-8 and Dreams Deferred by Langston Hughes.

The Cock Crows

Linda’s message is rooted in Mark 13.24-37. This is the first week of our four-week Advent series called Advent at The Table.

Who Do You Say I Am?

Agape (David Scherer) joined us in worship for Palm Sunday at The Table. Dave’s message is rooted Luke 19.28-40 and Mark 8.27-30. Songs included in podcast: Do Justice, What It’s Like, All Are Welcome. Words and music by Agape (David Scherer). Recorded live in worship with The Table Music Team on Sunday, March 24, 2013.

Deep Commitments to Community

Matt’s message is rooted in Parker Palmer’s Healing the Heart of Democracy and the Great Commandment of Jesus.  What might our deep commitments be for the coming year?  How will we root our lives in Grace? How will we grow in faith? How will we reach in love? How will we share our financial resources generously? Kevin Webb, a seminary student at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington DC, joined us for the morning to read Scripture.

The Church Today

This is the final worship in our series on The Evolution of Church.  Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 6.30-34, 53-56.  What does it mean for church to be evolving? How might the deep traditions of our past inform and form our unfolding into God’s future?


Matt’s Easter message is rooted in Mark 16.1-8.  The recording includes selections from two of the songs from our 10:30 am worship gathering.  The opening song is Christ Is Risen by Brian Wren (arranged by Anthony Coleman II).  The closing song is Rise Up with lyrics by Agape (David Scherer)
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