Sermons by Linda Dew-Hiersoux

Sermons by Linda Dew-Hiersoux

Sharing With Everyone

This four-week worship series in April will hold readings from the Book of Acts alongside our hopes for creating community which is rooted in the ways of the Risen One for today. This morning’s worship holds Acts 4.32-35 alongside the early Christian community’s practice of “holding in common.” Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Held in Common

This four-week worship series in April will hold readings from the Book of Acts alongside our hopes for creating community which is rooted in the ways of the Risen One for today. This morning’s worship holds Acts 4.32-35 alongside the early Christian community’s practice of “holding in common.” Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

The Fullness of Time

CLIMATE + FAITH: A Lenten worship series at The Table on how we can help meet the greatest challenge in human history. In virtually every transformative movement in human history – the abolitionist movement against slavery, the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, the movements for women’s suffrage, labor protections, dismantling apartheid in South Africa, the list goes on – in each of these cases, people of faith have been at the center of the action. Catalysts. Laborers. Visionaries.…

God’s Household

CLIMATE + FAITH: A Lenten worship series at The Table on how we can help meet the greatest challenge in human history. In virtually every transformative movement in human history – the abolitionist movement against slavery, the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, the movements for women’s suffrage, labor protections, dismantling apartheid in South Africa, the list goes on – in each of these cases, people of faith have been at the center of the action. Catalysts. Laborers. Visionaries.…

God’s Beloved

CLIMATE + FAITH: A Lenten worship series at The Table on how we can help meet the greatest challenge in human history. In virtually every transformative movement in human history – the abolitionist movement against slavery, the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, the movements for women’s suffrage, labor protections, dismantling apartheid in South Africa, the list goes on – in each of these cases, people of faith have been at the center of the action. Catalysts. Laborers. Visionaries.…

For Most This Amazing Day

Rev. Brian McLaren writes about “Radical Resilience” in this way, “Each of those words is important. The word “radical” means going to the root, going to the depths, going beneath the surface…. So, radical resilience means radical, deep attention to the deepest roots of resilience. “Resilience” is the capacity to withstand and recover from hardship or difficulty. It has to do with the ability to spring back into shape after you’ve been beaten down or knocked over or bent over.”…

Refuge in God

Rev. Brian McLaren writes about “Radical Resilience” in this way, “Each of those words is important. The word “radical” means going to the root, going to the depths, going beneath the surface…. So, radical resilience means radical, deep attention to the deepest roots of resilience. “Resilience” is the capacity to withstand and recover from hardship or difficulty. It has to do with the ability to spring back into shape after you’ve been beaten down or knocked over or bent over.”…

We root ourselves in ritual

This Christmas we acknowledge the weariness, grief, rage, and hopelessness we carry—and we also affirm that we root ourselves in regular rituals which are life giving for community. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

We Sing Stories of Hope

In Luke 1 as soon as Zechariah’s voice returns, his first words are gratitude and blessing. He sings a story of hope. After Elizabeth proclaims blessings upon Mary, Mary sings: “My soul magnifies God; my spirit rejoices in God.” Mary sings about a God of liberation who pulls the powerful from their thrones and lifts up the lowly. Mary sings a story of hope, one in which justice and joy are interwoven. As we prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth, may…

We find joy in connection

This Advent we acknowledge the weariness, grief, rage, and hopelessness we carry—and we also affirm that we are made for Joy and Connection. In community our Joy expands. This week Mary seeks connection with Elizabeth and the two pregnant women carry each other’s joy. Through the prophet Isaiah, we hear God speak tender words of comfort; this is the comfort we can give to and receive from each other during this season. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI…


While conservative interpreters might believe that prophets were predictors and progressives tend to believe the prophets to be simply social advocates, Dr. Walter Brueggemann argues that the prophets were “emancipated imaginers of alternative.” Emancipated from the dominant thinking of their societies, the prophets imagined an alternative reality and invited listeners to join them in their commitment to that new reality. This four-week worship series in November at The Table will invite our community of faith to reflect upon the themes…
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