'communion' Tagged Posts

Toward Sunday

This week we consider Communion alongside Matthew 26:26-28 as we move into week 5 of our worship series on practicing Christian disciplines to stay in love with God. Outline for Staying in Love with God. •May 15: Acts 2.1-21 (Public Worship) •May 22: Acts 2:37-42 (Witness/Testimony) •May 29:  Psalm 92.1-4,12-15 (Prayer) •June 5: 2 2 Timothy 3:14-17 (Searching Scripture) •June 12: Matthew 26:26-28 (Communion) •June 19: Exodus 16.1-3, 9-15, 31, 35  (Fasting) Read Matthew 26:26-28. John Wesley believed “constant communion”…

Toward Sunday

We continue our four-week worship series called Earth-Honoring Faith.  The outline for this worship series began to develop earlier this summer when we attended a conference called Seizing An Alternative. We hope this worship series will encourage us to consider how our faith tradition calls us to honor the earth. The earth is in a time of peril and we believe our Christian tradition can both teach and encourage us to respond more faithfully in our daily lives. Outline for Earth-Honoring Faith  ▪August 16:…

Maundy Thursday

We come together tonight at 6:00 pm in the Social Hall to mark the last meal Jesus had with his followers.   In his book Wishful Thinking Frederick Buechner writes about breaking bread together that may help you prepare. “For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my…


In her book “Take This Bread” Sara Miles tells the story of how taking communion one Sunday morning transformed her life and the life of thousands in her city.  “I took communion, I passed the bread to others, and then I kept going, compelled to find new ways to share what I’d experienced.  I started a food pantry and gave away literally tons of fruit and vegetables and cereal around the same altar where I’d first received the body of…

Maundy Thursday

  Our time together this evening will be rooted in the story of Jesus and his last supper with those closest to him.  We will consider our place at The Lord’s Table and wonder about who might be missing.  We will have a simple supper of soup and bread following our work at different prayer stations around Fellowship Hall.  6-7:15pm.  5265 H Street. All are welcome. Eat.  Drink.  Remember who I am. Eat.  Drink.  Remember who I am so you…

Toward Sunday

We conclude our worship series Give Up Certainty for Lent: Live in the Parables of Jesus as we journey together this week through Holy Week. Please invite your Kitchen Table to join us… We will gather for a simple meal on Maundy Thursday from 6:00-7:15 pm in the Social Hall on April 17.  This intergenerational worship service will weave music and prayer stations and the story of Jesus’ Last Supper through the lens of Godly Play.   We will gather for a solemn remembering of Good Friday at…


Sometimes movies make things easier for me to understand.  One of the best moments in my movie going life happened in the movie “Places in the heart”.  This movie is set in the Depression in the 1930’s in the South.  A widow (played by Sally Field) and 3 children struggle to make a living from their cotton field.  The film has many complex relationships that reflect the cultural, racial and gender struggles of America.  The Grace of God is made…

Open Communion

Theologian Jurgen Moltmann in his book The Church in the Power of the Spirit sets out the theological rationale for “open invitation” to the Lord’s Supper (pp. 244-246): “…It is the Lord’s supper, not something organized by a church or a denomination. The church owes its life to the Lord and its fellowship to his supper, not the other way around. Its invitation goes out to all whom he is sent to invite. If a church were to limit the…
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