'Cross' Tagged Posts

The Cross

I have been grateful this week for our empty cross in the sanctuary.  My life would be different if our cross had a sculpture of Jesus hanging in front of it every day and I’m not at all certain that I would continue to face it. Theories of Atonement are grounded in our human effort to understand the death of Jesus and in some way to face him as he hangs upon the cross.  The theory of Substitutionary Atonement in which we say…

Toward Sunday

We continue this week in our Lenten worship series, Hope in Dying, by turning from reflection on our own experiences of grief to John 3.14-21 and considering the significance of Jesus’ death. Fred Craddock, in Speaking of Dying: Recovering the Church’s Voice in the Face of Death, writes, If we as the church are to carry out our ministry to the dying and if we ourselves are to die well, we need solid support and rich resources because this ministry…
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