'growing' Tagged Posts

I wonder…

After “feeding thousands”  who were following him Jesus withdrew and took time in prayer by himself.  While he did this he commanded his disciples to cross the sea in a boat.  The disciples soon find themselves in the midst of a storm, having “navigational challenges”.  I wonder what they might be thinking as they attempt to keep their boat from tipping over in the waves.  What is it like for you when you encounter “rough seas”? How might it be…

Toward Sunday

We begin a new worship series this Sunday called How Deep?  Our church continues to grow in number and depth because of the deep commitments of so many.  Each fall we devote an entire worship series to reflecting on the depth of the commitment we would like to make to God & our church for the coming year.  We will focus each of the first three weeks on the simple (artisan) ingredients that frame our life together: rooted in Grace, growing in…

How Deep?

  The Sanctuary, Social Hall and our entire campus are fruits of the extravagant generosity of those who have gone before us.  They lived with sincere faith. We are called to “Guard the good treasure entrusted to [us], with the help of the Holy Spirit living in us.”  Our extravagant generosity will share this treasure with the generations to come. What difference does extravagant generosity make?  Think of a time in which you witnessed extravagant generosity or were the recipient…

Toward Sunday

We begin a five-week worship series this Sunday called How Deep?  This worship series will invite reflection on the significance of our Baptismal identities. The United Methodist Book of Worship states, “Baptism is an act that looks back with gratitude on what God’s grace has already accomplished, it is here and now an act of God’s grace, and it looks forward to what God’s grace will accomplish in the future….Baptism anticipates a lifetime of…deeper experiences of God, acts of Christian…
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