'Hagar' Tagged Posts

Toward Sunday

Please turn in your Deep Commitment either online or in worship this Sunday if they yhave not already done so.   Here is a link to the online Deep Commitment Card. Please offer to have conversations with folks if you sense resistance in making a Deep Commitment.  If I can be of support to you as you witness the importance of our Deep Commitments please email or call me. We’ll begin a four-week worship series on troubling texts from the Bible this Sunday.  We…

Toward Sunday

We continue our worship series, World Cup, by focusing on the writing and teaching of a prophetic theologian/pastor from one of the countries competing in this year’s World Cup.  We will turn our attention to Miroslav Volf of Croatia this Sunday.  Volf teaches at Yale and is widely considered one of the most prominent theologians of our generation.  Volf’s writing is rooted in his experience with war and ethnic cleansing in Croatia and invites reflection on reconciliation and forgiveness. Outline for…
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