'magi' Tagged Posts

Toward Sunday

We begin a new four-week series this week called What Keeps You Awake At Night? At the end of the day, when we have finished our work and are ready for rest, often our fear and anxiety get the best of us.  Rather than finding rest we find worry.  Instead of being able to fall asleep, our minds turn over endless “what ifs.”  We will explore passages from the Gospel of Matthew and Mark as we wonder together about how…

Wise Women

  The Shimmering Hours by Jan Richardson There is so much I want to say, as if the saying could prepare you for this path, as if there were anything I could offer that would make your way less circuitous, more smooth. Once you step out you will see for yourself how nothing could have made you ready for this road that will take you from what you know now to what you cannot perceive except, perhaps, in your dreaming…

Toward Sunday

This week our worship will be rooted in Matthew 2.1-12 and the Magi’s arrival at the birthplace of Jesus.   We will celebrate Epiphany which is the day after the twelve-day celebration of Christmas (or, in some liturgical calendars, the twelfth day of the Christmas season). The English word “Epiphany” comes from the Greek word epiphaneia, which means “appearing” or “revealing.” Epiphany focuses on God’s self-revelation in Christ. On this day, many Christian traditions pay special attention to the visit…
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