'suffering' Tagged Posts

Who causes your suffering?

“Rather than confront the suffering that is part of our lives, some of us decide to search for an enemy – someone who has done this to us and who must be stopped.” (from God in Pain by Barbara Brown Taylor p122) A simple way to imagine this is when we think “If (fill in the name) had not died then my life would be so much better.”  Regarding those who are still living –  If you are in an unhappy…

Toward Sunday

We move into the final week of our Lenten series, Hope in Dying, by turning from reflection on the significance of Jesus’ death to holding questions about how we watch over others in love as they die.  Please note the dates and times below for our Holy Week worship on Maundy Thursday & Good Friday.  We would love help preparing and cleaning up our simple meal of soup, bread and salad for Thursday evening, April 2.  If you  are available…
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