'Swimming' Tagged Posts

Swim Freely

After years of practice one learns to swim freely.  This morning in worship Matt’s message will focus on how we might find Grace through swimming. We would love to see you there!  Swimmers and land lovers welcome.  All means all.

The Swimmer

by Mary Oliver All winter the water has crashed over the cold the cold sand. Now it breaks over the thin branch of your body. You plunge down, you swim two or three strokes, you dream of lingering in the luminous undertow but can’t; you splash through the bursting white blossoms, the silk sheets — gasping, you rise and struggle lightward, finding your way through the blue ribs back to the sun, and emerge as though for the first time…

Something New

This is my son Harrison.  Harrison has been swimming since he was about 5 years old.  He has always loved the water.  As a young person he joined a swim team and this has continued into his life as a college student where he still swims competitively.  He is a certified life guard and swim instructor.   He knows a lot about the water.  Take time to examine this picture, taken on the day he learned to wake board at…

Swim Strong

Swim Strong is a program in New York City.  Watch this short video to learn about the joy of coming alongside another who needs your help.  Consider your life this week.  What is something you could teach another person to do?  How might reaching in love with a skill you have  save the life of your neighbor? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3BO2Ki85Vg]

Toward Sunday

We continue our summer worship series, Notice Grace All Summer, with reflection on swimming lessons this Sunday and will root our time together in Psalm 82.  The Psalmist begins with God arriving at the “council of the Gods”.  This concept of a “council of the Gods” is common in both the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East.  God arrives to the divine council and announces the Gods have ruled unjustly because they have failed to recognize the needs of…
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