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God the Accompanist.

Here is an image of God.  Playing along.  Waiting for you to approach.  Knowing your tune before you are aware.  Accompanying you.  What would it be like if you understood that this is how God is with us on The Advent Way?


God leads through all the events, all the circumstances of your life.  Nothing in your life is so insignificant, so small, that God cannot be found at its center.  We think of God in the dramatic things, the glorious sunsets, the majestic mountains, the tempestuous seas; but God is the little things too.   God is in the music, in laughter and in the dance…. how might you turn toward God, and let God lead you in your dance of…

Meeting God on the Advent Way

“There is no limit to the ways in which God may makeGod’s self known.  At every turn in our lives there can be a meeting place with God….” (from Prayer by Mother Frances Dominica) Where are you right now?  Who are you with or who will you see today that may make God known to you?  How might you make God known for another?  Turn toward those around you as you go through your day as you live into the…

Sanctuary wilderness

“…worship is always something of a wilderness where people think their lives through and wonder about all that is unknown and frightening and causes them to double-andtriple-check their holds on what is reassuring.  No matter how beautiful the sanctuary, the pew where people sit with their fears, worries, responsibilities, and all the rest is a kind of wilderness place where people confront the howling winds, thorny brambles, and lonely emptinesses of their lives.”  (from Feasting on the Word by Mark…
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