'Vacation' Tagged Posts

Regarding Vacation

“people ask, “What did you do?” ……the best part was that for a few days we sat around with two of the boys at a lake cabin and did nothing. No hiking, jet-skiing, shopping, sightseeing, or even watching TV—that would have been too much work. Just sleeping, sitting around, reading books, napping, playing games, and being with each other. Sort of like Sabbath. That’s what vacation is: vacancy, empty time. Time in which you’re not doing, just being. This is…

The world goes on.

Vacation by Steve Garness-Holmes I went on vacation for a week. The world went on without me;          Another bore it carefully,          whose world it is, not mine. I was purely who I am,          proving nothing.          earning nothing. I was present for no end          but to be present.  It was lovely. This is the gift of Sabbath. May it come to you again and again,          like breathing, like a heartbeat,          a Word from God.


[wpvideo 2dVWmfoZ] The Vacation By Wendell Berry  Once there was a man who filmed his vacation. He went flying down the river in his boat  with his video camera to his eye, making  a moving picture of the moving river  upon which his sleek boat moved swiftly  toward the end of his vacation. He showed  his vacation to his camera, which pictured it,  preserving it forever: the river, the trees,  the sky, the light, the bow of his rushing boat …

Toward Sunday

  Worship this coming Sunday will invite us to consider what we might learn from vacationing as we seek to root our lives in Grace and grow in faith.  We will reflect on the relationship of vacation to Sabbath.   Our Scripture this week is Psalm 71.1-6.  Vacationing can provide refuge from the stresses of everyday life.  Vacations can deliver us from routine and renew us with new life.  Followers of Jesus know that such refuge and deliverance comes from…
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