Know Justice, Know Peace
Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 12:49-56 in which Jesus stridently calls the crowd “hypocrites” and announces he’s come to bring division instead of peace. On the surface, this doesn’t seem to be the Prince of Peace we’ve been called to follow. How might Jesus be calling you to stand for justice and peace in our deeply divided world? What might God need to burn away in your life and in the world as you root yourself in the way…
In God We Trust
Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 12.32-40. In the midst of a difficult week Linda shares her struggle to find the Good News of the Gospel in Jesus’ teaching that where our heart is, our treasure is also.
In God We Trust
Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 12.13-21. The parable of the rich fool digs deep, right to the heart. It tells the story of money’s ability to impoverish your soul. The invitation is to consider our priorities and to wonder what it looks like to have our life demanded of us. Where is God in our list of priorities?
Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 11.1-13. What places help you to connect with God through prayer? This lesson from Jesus on prayer is often read as a call to persistence in prayer. Yet, the word in verse 8 translated as “persistence” actually means “shameless.” Who is shameless in this story? What if the lesson from Jesus is less about being persistent or shameless and actually an invitation to remember that God meets our feelings of shame with radical welcome…
Linda’s message is rooted in Genesis 18: 1-10a. Abraham & Sarah offer hospitality to God echoing the radical hospitality that God offers to all. This story reminds all of us that we too have the freedom to receive and share in God’s hospitality in ways that transform the world as well.
Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 10.25-37
Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 10. As followers of Jesus, we can reliably root our lives in these two proclamations — “Peace to this house!” and “The kingdom of God has come near.” This is the good news we have to share! How will you share this good news in the coming days?
The Last Black Man in San Francisco
Alexander Carpenter’s message invites reflection on “The Last Black Man in San Francisco” and Luke 9.51-62.
Mary Poppins Returns
Linda’s message is rooted in Galatians 3:23-29 & the film Mary Poppins Returns.
Matt’s message is rooted in the 2017 Pixar film Coco & the readings assigned to the global Christian church by the lectionary. Coco invites reflection on the power of memory. Jesus longs for us to break bread in remembrance of him and the unhidden truth is that remembering in the context of crucifixion was a radically anti-imperial act. Perhaps it can be, when rightly remembered, today as well?
Forever Family
Rev. Craig Brown’s Pentecost message is rooted in the story of his own adoption and Romans 8.14-17.
God Loves
Matt’s message is rooted in John 17.20-26 & As It Is In Heaven, a 2004 Swedish film nominated for an Academy Award. Jesus prays for all to be one in his farewell prayer around a table with the disciples. As It Is In Heaven beautifully witnesses to this truth and The Table longs to be a community which fosters deeper awareness of our oneness in God’s love. How might you join in Restoration at The Table in hopes of passing…