Love God
Linda’s message, Love God, is rooted in John 14.23-29. Norman Wirzba writes, “Christian faith is an existential commitment or personal promises to perceive and live life in the kinds of ways that Jesus inspires and makes possible” (Way of Love, 36). What spiritual disciples are keeping you in love with God? What disciplines might you be called to take on? What disciplines might be worthy of re-considering?
Love One Another
This worship series hold’s Norman Wirzba’s Way of Love alongside the gospel readings for the global church as we wonder together about the transforming power and possibilities of love. Linda’s message, Love One Another, is rooted in John 13:31-35.
This Is Us
Matt’s message is rooted in John 10.22-30. How are we allowing the Risen One to hold us? Who is the Risen One calling us to hold?
This Is Us (Peter)
Linda’s message is rooted in John 21.1-20. Peter denies Jesus three times in John by saying, “I AM not.” While Peter denies his own identity three times, the Risen One recognizes Peter for who he is and claims him for a life of discipleship. How might we claim our identities as faithful disciples of the Risen One?
This Is Us (Thomas)
Pastors Linda and Matt invite reflection on the courage of Thomas to speak up about his longing to see & touch the Risen One. How do you want the Risen One to show up? Where are you feeling the peace the Risen One offers in your own life?
Pastor Matt’s Easter message at The Table is rooted in Luke 24.1-12.
Easter Sunrise
We gathered at sunrise in the Rose Garden in McKinley Park to celebrate resurrection & baptism. Linda’s sunrise Easter message is rooted in Luke 24.1-12.
Holy Friday at The Table was rooted in Luke’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion. Instead of setting ourselves back at a distance this Holy Friday, our task is to join with those suffering in our world by standing under the very reality of the cross as we hold fast to a God who so loves the world.
Matt’s message on Palm Sunday at The Table is rooted in Luke 19.28-40. What are the things that make for peace?
Linda’s message is rooted in the story of Mary anointing Jesus’ feet with oil in John 12.1-8. What is the cost of discipleship? How might we move from a worldview confined by scarcity to an embrace of abundance?
Visual Progress
Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 15. There was a man who had two sons…
Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 13.1-9. The fig tree has an uncertain future, and truthfully, so do all of God’s people. Ultimately, God’s judgement comes. In the delay of that coming, how will we build our lives and ground our hope in the efforts that God, like the parable’s gardener, makes to prepare us for that judgment?