No one likes intervention. Intervention is uncomfortable and fraught with fear. Like getting rapped on the knuckles, intervention stings. Matt’s message holds an ancient story of Jesus’ intervening love (Mark 8.31-38) in conversation with Amy Winehouse’s song Rehab and Brené Brown important work on guilt & shame. How might we open to God’s intervening love as we journey through the wilderness of Lent toward rehabilitating our spiritual lives?
Linda’s message is rooted in the story of Jesus being driven into the wilderness for 40 days (Mark 1.9-15). Wilderness is a place & season of disorientation, loss, & pain. How might God be calling us all into a season of wilderness this Lent?
For the first time in 73 years, Valentine’s Day falls on the same day as Ash Wednesday. What might the story of Valentine teach us about Ash Wednesday as we begin our Lenten journey? Matt’s message on this Ash Wednesday is rooted in the story of Valentine as shared by Godly Play.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Chris’s message is rooted in the story of Jesus’ transfiguration in Mark 2.2-9.
Becoming Evangelical
Linda’s message reflects on her journey toward embracing what it means to be evangelical. From an initial encounter with a televangelist to heart-felt conversations with faithful evangelical people in our community, she wonders who God is calling her to empathize with for the sake of the Gospel. Linda’s message is rooted in 1 Corinthians 9.16-23. Paul writes, “I have become all things to all people, so that I might by any means save some. I do it all for the…
From Farm-to-Fork to a Revolution of Love
Matt’s message is rooted in 1 Corinthians 8.1-13. Paul was writing to the church in Corinth about how their relationship with food was standing in opposition to an ethic of love. What might we learn from this ancient letter for our day? What might Paul’s wisdom to the church in Corinth have to teach us about the farm-to-fork movement today?
Toxic Masculinity
Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 1.21-28 & invites reflection on disrupting toxic masculinity.
Time’s Up
Linda’s message is rooted in Mark 1.29-39 and invites reflection on moving beyond shame. How might Jesus be raising us up from shame? Here is a link to the statement by Bishop Bruce Ough on behalf of the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church.
After experiencing the power of women’s voices in the #metoo movement, this week’s message in the first chapter of Mark where Jesus is baptized by John and the heavens declare that he is loved by God. This love is for all of us. How might we reflect that love for all God’s children?
Falling and Rising
Worship on this first Sunday in the season of Christmas is rooted in Luke 2.22-40. Matt & Linda invite reflection on the blessing of the infant Jesus by Simeon & Anna. How might God be calling us into a life of falling and rising?
Pastor Matt’s 11pm Candlelight Christmas Eve message is rooted in John 1. 1-14.
Give Us Back Baby Jesus!
Pastor Linda’s 5pm Candlelight Christmas Eve message is rooted in Luke 2. 1-14.