message archive (Page 40)

message archive (Page 40)

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Linda’s message on this first Sunday of Advent invites us to watch for signs of God’s hope waiting to be born amidst  the uncertainties of life. Worship is rooted in Gregory Porter’s Take Me To The Alley & Matthew 24:36-44.

Jephthah’s Daughter

In this last week of taking a closer look at troubling texts in scripture, Matt reads through the story of Jephthah’s sacrifice of his only daughter (Judges 11:29-40). We are called to be more faithful every day and delve into following the ways of hope, healing, love, and liberation in our communities.

An Unnamed Woman

Matt’s message is rooted in the story of the Unnamed Woman in Judges 19: 1-30. May we listen to the lessons in this story and focus our hearts on those who are hurting and vulnerable. Help us to be faithful followers of the Way by Jesus.

The Story of Tamar

Linda’s message is rooted in the cry of Tamar and the crime of Amnon from 2 Samuel 13.1-22.  Tamar’s story speaks a truth we are reluctant to hear from beginning to end. May we listen to the stories of sexual assault and may compassion open us the unheard cries of every Tamar. May our response to Tamar’s story, and to every Tamar we meet, be holy and loving and just.

The Story of Hagar

Linda’s message is rooted in Hagar’s story from Genesis 16: 1-16; 21:9-21. Hagar’s  story is one of cruelty and abuse at the hand of another woman, Sarah.  Yet Hagar’s story is also one of a woman who sees and names God and finds the freedom to become the mother of a great nation. With whom do you identify in this story? How might we be emboldened and find courage to speak truth to power in our own communities? What hope does God’s freedom hold…


Matt’s message is rooted in 2 Timothy 4.6-8, 16-18. Like Paul’s deep commitment to follow Jesus, the waters of new life are poured over those who wish to follow in those same foot steps and be welcomed into God’s warmest, loving family.


Matt’s message is rooted in 2 Timothy 3.10-4.5. As we reflect on making Deep Commitments to God & our community of faith, how might God be kneading our lives? How will you allow yourself to rise with God in the coming year?  Here is a link to our online Deep Commitment form.


Linda’s message, rooted in 2 Timothy 2.8-15, teaches us that time is the most important ingredient towards developing a better life of faith as we watch over others in love and allows ourselves to be watched over in love. It takes time to knead and fold in the salt in our lives to gain a better Christlike character.


How might the beautiful, simple, & inspiring ingredients that have been passed down to us through the generations stir up the gift of God among us? Matt’s message invites the love of God to rekindle our imaginations as we discern making Deep Commitments at The Table. Worship on  is rooted in 2 Timothy 1.1-14.

No Love Dying

Linda’s message is rooted in 2 Corinthians 5.17. We must find our christian identity in love and turn our fear into hope. God’s love will transform the world into a place where there is justice and equality in which we call Heaven on Earth.

Curriculum for Christianity as a School for Love

Matt’s message invites reflection on the movement of love within Christianity.  Christianity teaches that we are created in love, we are born into a fallen world, and we are redeemed by God’s love. This is the curriculum for our school of love. How might this curriculum shape our daily lives?

Christianity as a School for Love

Matt’s message invites reflection on Christianity as a school for love. The message is rooted in Psalm 86.11 and the Trappist monks of Tibhirine whose lives are depicted in Of Gods & Men.  The abundance of God’s love compelled these men to be in deep ministry with their Muslim neighbors. How might God’s abundant love compel us to be in ministry with our black and brown neighbors today?
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