message archive (Page 52)

message archive (Page 52)

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Parable of the Leaven

Linda’s message introduces our new worship series, Give Up Certainty for Lent: Live in the Parables of Jesus. Her message is rooted in the parable of the leaven (Matthew 13).

Our Story

Remembering our story & setting the table for God’s unfolding future. Matt’s message is rooted in Isaiah 44.1-8. Music features Brenden Lowe with Grace Kelly.


Rev. Gary McAnally was our guest preacher on Sunday, February 23.  Gary’s message invites reflection on prisons & prisoners.


Matt’s message is rooted in Ephesians 5.22-24 & Galatians 3.28. The message invites reflection on gender and faith.


Matt’s message invites reflection on immigration & is rooted in 1 Corinthians 1.10-18 & Ched Myers’ Our God Is Undocumented.


We continue our worship series on the most controversial social issues of our day with a reflection on race.  Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 5.38-48 & the United Methodist Social Principles.

No partiality. Really?

Matt’s message is rooted in Acts 10 and the conversion & faith of Peter. How will we be transformed to see God’s boundary crossing love that shows no partiality? How will we come to the table to weave our hearts with others as we break bread? How will these tranformations shape the ways we practice our faith in the world?
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