message archive (Page 52)

message archive (Page 52)

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Voices of the Voiceless

We conclude our worship series on the Art & Resurrection of Justice with Linda and Matt’s message on the voices of the voiceless.  The message is rooted in John 10.  The biblical scholarship and reflection for this message draws upon the writing of Anne Howard’s blog Change the Soundtrack and the contemporary stories shared from southeast Asia come from David Batstone’s Not for Sale.

Food Insecurity

Matt’s message reflects on food insecurity through the lens of A Place at the Table and the Road to Emmaus.

Human Trafficking

Our worship series, The Art and Resurrection of Justice, holds the biblical witness of resurrection in conversation with justice issues of our day.  Linda’s message is rooted in John 20.19-31 and the brutalities of human trafficking.

Parable of the Leaven

Linda’s message introduces our new worship series, Give Up Certainty for Lent: Live in the Parables of Jesus. Her message is rooted in the parable of the leaven (Matthew 13).

Our Story

Remembering our story & setting the table for God’s unfolding future. Matt’s message is rooted in Isaiah 44.1-8. Music features Brenden Lowe with Grace Kelly.


Rev. Gary McAnally was our guest preacher on Sunday, February 23.  Gary’s message invites reflection on prisons & prisoners.
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