message archive (Page 56)

message archive (Page 56)

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Even Them? Even Them!

Matt’s message is rooted in Acts 11.1-18.  What constraints do we need in our lives in order to be most free?  Matt’s message explores the way Peter navigated the religious rules of his day in ways that allowed him to see God’s love could be “even for the Gentiles.” How might the three rules of John Wesley (Do good. Do no harm. Stay in love with God.) lead to freedom in our lives?


Linda’s message is rooted in Acts 9.36-43.  How might we embrace errors en route to learning as we grow in faith?

Finding the One

Matt’s message is rooted in the conversion of Saul in Acts 9.1-20.  Who are the “musicians” who come alongside us in our times of transformation and conversion? Who has given us a hand? Who helps us to find the one?

Take a Knee

This is the first week in our seven-week worship series on the book of Acts and jazz.  Matt’s message is rooted in Acts 5.27-32. The early church had to improvise following the death and resurrection of Jesus. What plans do we follow? How do we improvise when the plans go awry? How might we learn to take a knee?

Easter Message

Matt’s Easter message is rooted in Luke 24.1-12. I Believe (Words & Music by Carrie Newcomer) The Rising (Words & Music by Bruce Springsteen) Roll Away Your Stone (Words & Music by Mumford & Sons) Arranged & Directed by Anthony Coleman II Nicole Cleveland, vocals Vanessa Cruz, drums Cole Dutcher, guitar Keith Little, banjo Brenden Lowe, piano David O’Keefe, bass Gerald Pease, vocals

Who Do You Say I Am?

Agape (David Scherer) joined us in worship for Palm Sunday at The Table. Dave’s message is rooted Luke 19.28-40 and Mark 8.27-30. Songs included in podcast: Do Justice, What It’s Like, All Are Welcome. Words and music by Agape (David Scherer). Recorded live in worship with The Table Music Team on Sunday, March 24, 2013.

Lean In

Linda’s message is rooted in the story of Mary anointing Jesus’ feet in John 12.1-8. How might Jesus call us to lean in? What expectations will we be led to break? Who do we say Jesus is today? Opening Song: Jesus Are You Real by Mason Jennings.

Prodigal God

Linda, Matt, and Scott present a contemporary reflection on the story commonly called The Prodigal Son from Luke’s Gospel. In rethinking this parable, what might we learn regarding who Jesus is for us today?  Special thanks to Rev. Christy Thomas for her version of Prodigal Son and Rev. Steve Garnaas-Holmes for his poetry and prayers at Unfolding Light.

A Vineyard Gardener

Matt’s messgage is rooted in Luke 13.1-9.  Who do we say Jesus is?  The message reflects on Jesus’ call to repent and the parable of the fig tree. How might God be pruning our roots and spreading manure in hope that we will bare fruit?

A Mother Hen

Matt’s messgage is rooted in Luke 13.31-35.  Who do we say Jesus is?  The message reflects on Jesus imagining himself as a mother hen.  What might this image have to teach us about who Jesus is today?


We begin our Lenten worship series with reflection on Jesus’ test in the wilderness. Why was Jesus tested? What might Go’d test for us be today? Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 4.1-13.
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