The Time is Always Right
Matt’s message is rooted in Ephesians 2.10. God’s Grace prepares for us a way of life rooted in good works. How will you reach in love? How will we begin to reflect the teachings of Christ?
The Door
Matt’s message is rooted in Ephesians 2.8-9. God lures us through the door, longs for us to root our lives in Grace and grow in faith. What might it look like for you to walk through the door this day?
Front Porch
Linda’s message continues our worship series titled from DIY to renovation by Grace. The message is rooted in Ephesians 2.1-7. How is God’s prevenient Grace crashing your life?
Matt’s message introduces our new worship series, from DIY to renovation by Grace. The message is rooted in Ephesians 2.19-22. What is your foundation? What is your cornerstone? How might God be renovating your life?
Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 2.1-12 and the church’s celebration of Epiphany. La’Jon Walker is our guest vocalist.
Grace & the Work of Christmas
Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 2.41-52.
The Scale of Christmas
Matt’s Christmas Eve message is rooted in Luke 2.1-20.
It Gets Better
Linda’s message is rooted in Micah 5.2-5. What words of hope did Micah offer to the people of God who had known great unrest and turmoil in the northern Kingdom and Jerusalem in ancient days? Where will we turn today to find glimpses of hope? Included video of LA’s Gay Men’s Chorus. (4 of 4)
Matt’s message is rooted in Isaiah 12. We gather both parched and overcome with tears in the wake of the tragic and senseless killing of children and teachers in Connecticut. We draw water from the wells of salvation. We sing. (3 of 4)
Refiner’s Fire
Linda’s message is rooted in Malachi 3.1-4. How is the refiner’s fire shaping what waits within you this Advent season? (2 of 4)
Christmas is Waiting to Be Born
Matt’s message is rooted in Jeremiah 33.14-16 and Howard Thurman’s poem Christmas Is Waiting to be Born. What is waiting within you this Advent season? (1 of 4)
Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
Linda’s message is rooted in Mark 6.6-13 and explores the life of Jesus in the first half of Mark’s Gospel. This is the second Sunday in a three-week journey through the Gospel of Mark.