message archive (Page 61)

message archive (Page 61)

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Linda’s message is rooted in the life of Bayard Rustin and John 2.13-22.  As we journey toward the cross with Jesus, we’re invited to reflect on how we might be broken open into authenticity.  A clip from Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin is included in this message.


Matt’s message is rooted in the life of Mother Teresa and Psalm 25.  As we begin our Lenten journey toward the cross with Jesus, we’re invited to reflect on how we might be broken open into generosity.

Ash Wednesday

Matt’s Ash Wednesday message is rooted in the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  As we begin our Lenten journey toward the cross with Jesus, we’re invited to reflect on how we might be broken open into sacrfice.  The worship service closed with the imposition of ashes and the sacrament of communion.  The final six minutes of this podcast include selections of the music from our time of prayer, ashes, and communion.

Following Followers

Matt’s message invites reflection on “following followers.”  What cautions might be needed in following followers?  Who will you follow and how will you see Jesus dancing through the crowds?

First Followers

Matt’s message invites reflection on the “first followers” of Jesus.  How might we be called to be first followers in this day?

Follow Me

Our series on Leadership begins with Linda’s message on Jesus’ call to follow.  How might we turn from “leadership cults” to “followership cultures”?

Reaching in Love

Matt’s message is rooted in the story of Zacchaeus from Luke 19.  Our journey toward a “new you” continues with Reaching in Love.  How will the new you reach in love?

Growing in Faith

Matt’s message is rooted in John 1.43-51.  Our journey toward a “new you” continues with Growing in Faith.  Who planted the seeds of Grace in you long ago?

Rooted in Grace

Matt’s message focuses on Ephesians 2.1-10.  Our journey toward a “new you” begins with rooting our lives in Grace.

Curtain Call

Linda’s message invites our community to reflect the roles of Simeon and Anna in the Christmas story (Luke 2:22-40).  Casting Christmas (6 of 6)
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