Sermons on James

Sermons on James

Sacred Work

Table, Sacramento, Christian, Church, Progressive, Inclusive, Justice, Peace, Reconciling, United Methodist, Morning Light, Faith, Works, Mortality, Sacred, Gospel, James, Precious, Wild, Life, Mary Oliver,


With sanctuary restoration underway, we gathered on the front lawn for worship at 9:30 & 11:00 am.  Matt’s message is rooted in James 1.17-27. How does our faith call us to relate to consumption and materialism? What might the tradition of Christian asceticism teach us about opening up, treading lightly, living simply, & simply living?  The podcast includes a clip from worship of our music team leading Michael Franti’s Earth from Outer Space.


Matt’s message invites reflection on Salvation and is rooted in James 2.14-26. What are you saved for? How might you notice the salvation that IS at hand in the world? This is the fifth week of our five-week worship series called On Ramp. The music featured in this podcast includes live versions from worship of Make a Difference by Rachel Kurtz and Benediction by Josh Garrels.

Celebrating the Fruits of Our Labors

Our worship gathering celebrated the fruits of our labors.  We blessed the various ways people in our community live out God’s calling in their lives through working and laboring in the world. Linda’s message is rooted in James 1.17-27.
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