Sermons on John (Page 10)

Sermons on John (Page 10)

Growing in Faith

This series called Farm to Table invites reflection on John 15 and the poetry of Wendell Berry.  The scripture readings each week are a “mash-up” of John 15 and Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front.  Linda’s sermon focuses on abiding in God’s love through Kitchen Tables as we seek to grow in faith.


Linda’s message is rooted in the life of Lorenza Andrade Smith and John 12.20-33.  As we journey toward the cross with Jesus, we’re invited to reflect on how we might be broken open into trust.


Linda’s message is rooted in the life of Bayard Rustin and John 2.13-22.  As we journey toward the cross with Jesus, we’re invited to reflect on how we might be broken open into authenticity.  A clip from Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin is included in this message.

Growing in Faith

Matt’s message is rooted in John 1.43-51.  Our journey toward a “new you” continues with Growing in Faith.  Who planted the seeds of Grace in you long ago?

Upside Down

Reflection on Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and some of the ways followers of Jesus have understood the cross throughout the centuries.  What might the cross mean for you today?


Reflection on the story of Lazarus from John 11 and the Lazarus Effect spreading across Sub-Saharan Africa.  How is God calling you to come out? To unbind others? To be unbound?

Man Born Blind

This week’s message weaves the story of the man born blind from John 9 with a responsive prayer by Steve Garnaas-Holmes, the singing of Amazing Grace led by Nicole Cleveland on vocals, and reflections on the story by Matt Smith.

Seen | Known | Loved

This week’s worship focuses on  the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4).

Making Sense of the Cross

This message explores John 3.16 in relationship to Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus at night.  The biblical text is held in converation with the controversy over the faithfulness of Rob Bell’s understanding of salvation in Love Wins.  What has the cross meant to followers of Jesus through the centuries?  What might the cross mean to you today?
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