Sermons on Luke (Page 11)

Sermons on Luke (Page 11)

Baptism at The Table

This is the final week in a three-week worship series on Godly Play and welcoming children at The Table. Matt’s message is rooted in the baptismal liturgy of our community (adapted from a liturgy by Marcia McFee), Godly Play’s story of baptism, and the baptism of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel.  We will celebrate baptism on Sunday, October 25. We hope this message will help us in getting ready for the beauty and power of baptism.

Seeing the Nativity

Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 2.22-40. Simeon saw redemption in the Christ child.  Where will we see the Christ child in our lives today?

Nothing Is Impossible With God

Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 1.26-38.  Nothing is impossible with God.  The opening song is Mother of God by The Brilliance. The closing song on the podcast is Same As It Ever Was (Start Today) by Michael Franti.

Food Insecurity

Matt’s message reflects on food insecurity through the lens of A Place at the Table and the Road to Emmaus.

Christmas Eve

Matt’s message for our 11pm Candlelight Christmas Eve worship was rooted in Luke 2.1-20. God’s message came to the shepherds…to those who had given up on being inside. God’s message comes today to those who’ve given up on being inside as well, even to those who’ve given up on God.


Sara’s message is rooted in Luke 22.39-46 and reflects on Luke’s account of the death & resurrection of Jesus. How often do we want to take full control of a situation instead of trusting what God has planned for us? This is the final week in our three-week journey through the Gospel of Luke.


Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 19.28-48 & the prophetic witness of Bishop Melvin Talbert.  This is the second week in our three-week journey through the Gospel of Luke.

Reaching in Love

Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 12.13-21 and invites reflection on how God might be leading us to reach in love.

Growing in Faith

Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 21.1-4 and invites reflection on how God might be leading us deeper as we grow in faith.
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