Sermons on Luke (Page 12)
Parable of the Prodigal Son
Matt’s message is rooted in the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15.11-32).
Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Agape (David Scherer) led worship at The Table. Dave’s message is rooted in Luke 18.9-14.
Christmas Eve
Matt’s message for our 11pm Candlelight Christmas Eve worship was rooted in Luke 2.1-20. God’s message came to the shepherds…to those who had given up on being inside. God’s message comes today to those who’ve given up on being inside as well, even to those who’ve given up on God.
Sara’s message is rooted in Luke 22.39-46 and reflects on Luke’s account of the death & resurrection of Jesus. How often do we want to take full control of a situation instead of trusting what God has planned for us? This is the final week in our three-week journey through the Gospel of Luke.
Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 19.28-48 & the prophetic witness of Bishop Melvin Talbert. This is the second week in our three-week journey through the Gospel of Luke.
Linda’s message begins our three-week journey through the Gospel of Luke.
Reaching in Love
Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 12.13-21 and invites reflection on how God might be leading us to reach in love.
Growing in Faith
Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 21.1-4 and invites reflection on how God might be leading us deeper as we grow in faith.
The Reality of Heaven
Linda’s message explores the grittiness of heaven’s reality. What does it mean to say heaven is real from the perspective of the Gospel? How have we encountered the reality of Heaven in our own lives? Luke 24.1-8 frames the message. This worship series is based on Christopher Morse’s The Difference Heaven Makes.
Easter Message
Matt’s Easter message is rooted in Luke 24.1-12. I Believe (Words & Music by Carrie Newcomer) The Rising (Words & Music by Bruce Springsteen) Roll Away Your Stone (Words & Music by Mumford & Sons) Arranged & Directed by Anthony Coleman II Nicole Cleveland, vocals Vanessa Cruz, drums Cole Dutcher, guitar Keith Little, banjo Brenden Lowe, piano David O’Keefe, bass Gerald Pease, vocals
Who Do You Say I Am?
Agape (David Scherer) joined us in worship for Palm Sunday at The Table. Dave’s message is rooted Luke 19.28-40 and Mark 8.27-30. Songs included in podcast: Do Justice, What It’s Like, All Are Welcome. Words and music by Agape (David Scherer). Recorded live in worship with The Table Music Team on Sunday, March 24, 2013.
Prodigal God
Linda, Matt, and Scott present a contemporary reflection on the story commonly called The Prodigal Son from Luke’s Gospel. In rethinking this parable, what might we learn regarding who Jesus is for us today? Special thanks to Rev. Christy Thomas for her version of Prodigal Son and Rev. Steve Garnaas-Holmes for his poetry and prayers at Unfolding Light.