Sermons on Luke (Page 7)


Pastor Matt’s Easter message at The Table is rooted in Luke 24.1-12.

Easter Sunrise

We gathered at sunrise in the Rose Garden in McKinley Park to celebrate resurrection & baptism. Linda’s sunrise Easter message is rooted in Luke 24.1-12.


Holy Friday at The Table was rooted in Luke’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion. Instead of setting ourselves back at a distance this Holy Friday, our task is to join with those suffering in our world by standing under the very reality of the cross as we hold fast to a God who so loves the world.


Matt’s message on Palm Sunday at The Table is rooted in Luke 19.28-40. What are the things that make for peace?


Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 13.1-9. The fig tree has an uncertain future, and truthfully, so do all of God’s people. Ultimately, God’s judgement comes. In the delay of that coming, how will we build our lives and ground our hope in the efforts that God, like the parable’s gardener, makes to prepare us for that judgment?


Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 13.31-35. As much as we may long to disconnect from the pain overwhelming our world, this is never the way of following Jesus. Instead, Jesus cries for Jerusalem to modify its ways and join with God’s restoration through healing and deliverance. What modifications might we need to make as we journey toward restoration?


Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 4.1-13. How will we open up to God’s restoring love in this wilderness season?


Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 6.17-26. How might the recipe Jesus shared with his disciples on a level place inspire us today? Linda turns to our music team to invite reflection on how we might find inspiration from recipes passed down through the generations.


Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 5.1-11. What might we learn from this story of Jesus calling Simon Peter from his craft as a fisherman to a life of crafting faith by following him? What might the craft makers from our own community have to teach us about faith today? Matt turns to Shane Quinlan, a local craftsperson, for lessons on a table Shane is making for our community of faith.

Gut/Anger Triad (8, 9, 1)

Pastor Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 3.15-17, 21-22 & invites reflection the the Gut/Anger Triad (8, 9, 1) from the Enneagram. Our worship series draws on Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile’s The Road Back to You.  Here is a link to information on the book.
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