Sermons on Luke (Page 8)
Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 4.1-13. How will we open up to God’s restoring love in this wilderness season?
Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 6.17-26. How might the recipe Jesus shared with his disciples on a level place inspire us today? Linda turns to our music team to invite reflection on how we might find inspiration from recipes passed down through the generations.
Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 5.1-11. What might we learn from this story of Jesus calling Simon Peter from his craft as a fisherman to a life of crafting faith by following him? What might the craft makers from our own community have to teach us about faith today? Matt turns to Shane Quinlan, a local craftsperson, for lessons on a table Shane is making for our community of faith.
Gut/Anger Triad (8, 9, 1)
Pastor Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 3.15-17, 21-22 & invites reflection the the Gut/Anger Triad (8, 9, 1) from the Enneagram. Our worship series draws on Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile’s The Road Back to You. Here is a link to information on the book.
Cast Party
Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 2.41-52.
11pm Candlelight Christmas Eve
Linda’s message for 11pm Candlelight Christmas Eve is rooted in John 1.1-14.
Dress Rehearsal
Linda’s message is rooted in Mary’s Magnificat from Luke 1.46-55. God partners with Mary & Elizabeth to save the world. In this morning’s worship, Mary moves to center stage and we are invited to join her in a dress rehearsal for God’s coming into the world.
Polishing Rehearsal
Polishing rehearsals are specifically held for the purpose of correcting problems that occurred in previous run-throughs. Actors and directors must discern what to do given certain challenges that have arisen throughout rehearsals. Similarly, John the Baptist is calling everyone around him to “correct problems” that have arisen in their life together. The people ask John what they should do and he replies with concrete next steps. What might we learn for our lives today from the ancient call by John the…
Linda’s message is rooted in the story of John the Baptist (Luke 3.1-6). The Word of God comes to John not in the center of political & religious power, but on the margins amidst the wilderness. How might attention to the location or position of John guide us in rehearsing for Christmas?
Read Through
Actors in a play read through the entire script in order to prepare. Similarly, the Christian calendar calls followers of Jesus to read through the entire script of the Good News as a way of preparing our hearts and minds for God-with-us, Emmanuel. Jesus calls his followers to “watch” and “stay awake” amidst the distress of the nations (Luke 21.25-36) near the end of his life. Our socio-economic, political, and ecological challenges are different today, but we find ourselves unquestionably in…
The F-Word
The F-Word is at the heart of Christianity. Matt’s message is rooted in Peter’s experience of a dark night that began began apocalyptically and then got worse (Luke 22). Peter betrayed the very center of who he said he wanted to be. Peter f’ed. What might the f-word have to teach us about following Jesus today?
No. No. No. No. No.
Linda’s message invites reflection on Peter’s call to follow Jesus (Luke 5.1-11). Our worship series, Failing Forward, holds our lives in conversation with the “Failure Resume” developed by Peter throughout the New Testament. Ultimately, Jesus would chose to build the church upon Peter. What might we learn from Peter’s story as we seek to follow Jesus today?