Sermons on Luke (Page 9)
Read Through
Actors in a play read through the entire script in order to prepare. Similarly, the Christian calendar calls followers of Jesus to read through the entire script of the Good News as a way of preparing our hearts and minds for God-with-us, Emmanuel. Jesus calls his followers to “watch” and “stay awake” amidst the distress of the nations (Luke 21.25-36) near the end of his life. Our socio-economic, political, and ecological challenges are different today, but we find ourselves unquestionably in…
The F-Word
The F-Word is at the heart of Christianity. Matt’s message is rooted in Peter’s experience of a dark night that began began apocalyptically and then got worse (Luke 22). Peter betrayed the very center of who he said he wanted to be. Peter f’ed. What might the f-word have to teach us about following Jesus today?
No. No. No. No. No.
Linda’s message invites reflection on Peter’s call to follow Jesus (Luke 5.1-11). Our worship series, Failing Forward, holds our lives in conversation with the “Failure Resume” developed by Peter throughout the New Testament. Ultimately, Jesus would chose to build the church upon Peter. What might we learn from Peter’s story as we seek to follow Jesus today?
Falling and Rising
Worship on this first Sunday in the season of Christmas is rooted in Luke 2.22-40. Matt & Linda invite reflection on the blessing of the infant Jesus by Simeon & Anna. How might God be calling us into a life of falling and rising?
Give Us Back Baby Jesus!
Pastor Linda’s 5pm Candlelight Christmas Eve message is rooted in Luke 2. 1-14.
Pastor Chris’s message is rooted in Luke 1.26-38. What is the “yes” God is inviting you into as we move ever closer to the birth of hope in Bethlehem?
Owning Our Stories
Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 24.13-35 and Brené Brown’s invitation to “own our own stories” in the process of Rising Strong. How might we Rise Strong with God in the wake of this week’s rulings by the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church?
Christmas Day
Linda’s message on Christmas Day is rooted in Luke 2.15-20. We wonder & share about Christmas moments as we celebrate the coming of God among us.
Christmas Eve
Matt’s message for our 5:00 pm Candlelight Christmas Eve gathering is rooted in the Christmas story from Luke 2 & Room for a Little One by Martin Waddell & Jason Croft. As we celebrate a Little One who came for the world, may we finder way to the alley & make room for one another. And, may we all join the people in a chorus of praise: Glory to God this night.
Rich Man & Lazarus
Linda’s message is rooted in the parable of the rich man & Lazarus (Luke 16.19-31). How might this ancient teaching of Jesus challenge us to reach in love in our daily lives?
Vengeful Widow & Co-opted Judge
Matt’s message invites reflection on Jesus’ parable on the vengeful widow & co-opted judge found in Luke 18.1-8. Olympic Reconciliation: Widow, Judge & Rio 2016.
Pharisee & Tax Collector
Matt’s message holds The Music Circus’s production of Cabaret in conversation with Amy-Jill Levine’s prophetic reading of the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18.9-14).