Sermons on Matthew (Page 10)
We continue our worship series on the most controversial social issues of our day with a reflection on race. Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 5.38-48 & the United Methodist Social Principles.
We had technical difficulties with this recording. Apologies for the quality of the sound, but we’re hopeful we’ll have the issue fixed for next Sunday. Thanks for your patience. Linda’s message is rooted in the story of the magi in Matthew 2.1-12 & Leonardo DaVinci’s Adoration of the Magi. What are our hopes for 2014? What unfinished parts of ourselves might God invite us to celebrate? What unfinished parts of ourselves might need attention in the coming year?
Longing for Hope in this Christmas Season
Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 2.13-23.
We conclude our worship series, The Advent Way, with reflection on Joseph’s witness of Love. Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 1.18-25.
We continue our worship series, The Advent Way, with reflection on God’s turning to creation and call for creation to turn toward God. Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 3.1-3
Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 2.1-12 and the church’s celebration of Epiphany. La’Jon Walker is our guest vocalist.
Will the Real Christian Please Stand Up
Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 25.31-46. Having reflected on the practice of hospitality in the Hebrew Bible, we turn this morning to Matthew’s gospel and the scene of Jesus’ “last judgement.”

Death and Resurrection
Linda’s message invites reflection on how we avoid and embrace change. The sermon is rooted in the stories of death and resurrection from Matthew’s Gospel Final sermon in the four-part series on Facing Change and the Gospel of Matthew

Wilderness and Litany of Blessing
Worship invited reflection on Jesus’ experience in the wilderness & the Sermon on the Mount. As we encounter change, what might the temptations of Jesus and the blessings of the Beatitudes have to teach us? (Part 3 of 4)

Returning to Egypt
Worship invited reflection on Joseph’s flight into Egypt as recorded in Matthew 2. As we all face change, how might we be called to return to “Egypt” in our own lives? (Part 2 of 4)

Deep Commitment
Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 22.34-46. This is the final week of our series called Deep. The worship series has invited our community to deepen our commitments in the following areas for the coming year: rooted in Grace, growing in faith, and reaching in love. This message invited our community into a time of communion and prayer and sharing our commitments.

Reaching in Love
Our worship invited reflection on reaching in love. Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 22.1-13. The meditation on the text is based on the writing of Steve Garnaas-Holmes (Unfolding Light October 2011).