Sermons on Matthew (Page 11)

Sermons on Matthew (Page 11)

Big Band

Linda’s message reflects on Matthew 16.21-28 and invites our community of faith to reach in love through the Sacramento Valley AIDS Run/Walk.


We reflect on what it means to reach in love as individuals.  Linda’s message is rooted in the bold faithfulness of the Canaanite woman which led to the transformation of Jesus’ understanding of his mission (Matthew 15.21-28).

Treasure in the Field

Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 13.44 the parable of the treasure in the field.   Music selections include Jikelele (which means God is Everywhere -Universal), Do Justice by Dave Scherer of Agape, and All for the Love by Beth Nielsen Champman.

Toward Koinonia

Toward Koinonia is a five week series on Christian Community. Koinonia is an ancient Greek word for intimate community. The final message for this series focuses on Matthew 5:13-20 and the call to Koinonia in our own context.
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