Sermons on Matthew (Page 7)

Sermons on Matthew (Page 7)


Matt’s message is rooted in the story of resurrection from Matthew 28.1-10. Christ has risen and goes before us!

Palm Sunday: Silence is Not an Option

Palm Sunday at The Table focuses on the parody & street theater of Jesus processing into Jerusalem atop a donkey and her colt. Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 21.1-11 and invites us to join the march for love, justice, & hope by raising our voices in support of Bishop Karen Oliveto. #allmeansall #tobishopkowithlove #nosuchlaw

Saying No, Saying Yes

Matt’s message is rooted in the story of Jesus encountering temptations in the wilderness (Matthew 4.1-11). As we reflect on what it means to claim Jesus as the Christ and to be claimed by God through the love of Christ, the message invites us to consider what we might need to say “no” to in order to say “yes” to experiencing Jesus as Christ.

Ash Wednesday

Our morning Ash Wednesday gathering at The Table weaves readings from Isaiah 58, 2 Corinthians, & Matthew with Dust We Are and Shall Return by The Brilliance. Matt’s message starts around 11:00 minutes into the recording and invites reflection on the the ashes of Ash Wednesday. Elias Lucero is on guitar & Omari Tau on vocals. Readings by Donald Smith, Megan Pritchett, & Brenda Dabney.

An Ending that is a Beginning

Matt’s message is rooted in readings from Jesus’ infancy at the beginning of Matthew & the ending of Jesus’ life on earth near the ending of Matthew.  The infant Jesus became a refugee with his family. What might this mean for us today? Jesus’ message to his followers at the end of his life challenged them: “just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” What…


Matt’s message is rooted in the dream of Joseph (Matthew 1.18-25). On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we remember God’s call to Joseph in a dream. How might we follow Joseph in saying yes to the power, mystery, and scandalous love waiting to be born amidst shame & disgrace?


Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 11.2-11. On this third Sunday of Advent, we are called to ask just as John the Baptist did, “Are you the one?”, and seek to see the love of God here and everywhere around us.


Linda’s message on this first Sunday of Advent invites us to watch for signs of God’s hope waiting to be born amidst  the uncertainties of life. Worship is rooted in Gregory Porter’s Take Me To The Alley & Matthew 24:36-44.

Laborers in the Vineyard

Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 20.1-16 and invites us to re-consider the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard based on the writing of Amy-Jill Levine.

Pearl of Great Price

Matt’s message celebrates the election of Rev. Dr. Karen Oliveto as a Bishop in the United Methodist Church. The message is rooted in the parable of the great pearl (Matthew 13.45-46) and asks how we might go all-in for the great pearl in our lives? What is of ultimate concern for us? What will we need to let go of in order to go all in?

Yeast in the Dough

Linda’s message invites reflection on Black Lives Matter and the violence experienced in our nation this week. The message is rooted in Matthew 13.33. How will we receive the leaven handed down to us and knead our lives in God’s rising hope?


Christina’s message is rooted in Matthew 26.26-28 and invites reflection on communion as a way of staying in love with God.
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