Sermons on Psalm (Page 4)

Sermons on Psalm (Page 4)

Yoga & Church

Linda’s message is rooted in Psalm 77.  How might the practice of yoga help us to grow in faith? What might followers of Jesus learn from yoga?


Matt’s message is rooted in the history of The Table at Central UMC and Psalm 118. As we journey toward the cross with Jesus, we’re invited to reflect on how we might be broken open into passion.


Matt’s message is rooted in the life of Mother Teresa and Psalm 25.  As we begin our Lenten journey toward the cross with Jesus, we’re invited to reflect on how we might be broken open into generosity.

September 11 Ten Years Later

Selections from worship on September 11, 2011.  Ten Years Later:  Grievance to Hope | Hatred to love.  The music team opens with a live version of Tears by Agape (Dave Scherer).  This song was woven throughout the worship.  Linda frames Psalm 119 with a brief reflection on 9/11 and Matt closes with selections from Psalm 119 from The Message.

Mardi Gras Worship

We celebrate faith, community, and our love of God with the sounds of jazz on the final Sunday before we enter Lent and journey together toward the cross. Reading from Psalm 150. Some of the finest jazz musicians in town. I’ll Fly Away | Just a Closer Walk with Thee | When the Saints Go Marching In | and more…
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