Composting Faith

The Reality of Death

Our Lenten worship series, Composting Faith, continues as we reflect upon the location toward which Jesus journeys and wonder about the locations we might be called to move toward as we hold our lives & scripture in conversation with the Divine while spending time at the compost pile. Rev. Jeff Chu, in a sermon entitled “The Theology of the Compost” shared as part of a conference called Evolving Faith in 2018,“The more time I spend at the compost pile, the…

Patience & Learning

We are grateful for the rain and needed to move our Maundy Thursday gathering from the farm to online at the last minute. Here’s a recording from our online Maundy Thursday. Our Lenten worship series, Composting Faith, continues as we reflect upon the location toward which Jesus journeys and wonder about the locations we might be called to move toward as we hold our lives & scripture in conversation with the Divine while spending time at the compost pile. Rev.…

Rotate & Mix the Compost

Our Lenten worship series, Composting Faith, continues as we reflect upon the location toward which Jesus journeys and wonder about the locations we might be called to move toward as we hold our lives & scripture in conversation with the Divine while spending time at the compost pile. Rev. Jeff Chu, in a sermon entitled “The Theology of the Compost” shared as part of a conference called Evolving Faith in 2018,“The more time I spend at the compost pile, the…

Let it Cook & Observe

Our Lenten worship series, Composting Faith, continues as we reflect upon the location toward which Jesus journeys and wonder about the locations we might be called to move toward as we hold our lives & scripture in conversation with the Divine while spending time at the compost pile. Rev. Jeff Chu, in a sermon entitled “The Theology of the Compost” shared as part of a conference called Evolving Faith in 2018,“The more time I spend at the compost pile, the…

Fill the Bins

Our Lenten worship series, Composting Faith, continues as we reflect upon the location toward which Jesus journeys and wonder about the locations we might be called to move toward as we hold our lives & scripture in conversation with the Divine while spending time at the compost pile. Rev. Jeff Chu, in a sermon entitled “The Theology of the Compost” shared as part of a conference called Evolving Faith in 2018,“The more time I spend at the compost pile, the…

Learn What To and What Not To Include

Our Lenten worship series, Composting Faith, continues as we reflect upon the location toward which Jesus journeys and wonder about the locations we might be called to move toward as we hold our lives & scripture in conversation with the Divine while spending time at the compost pile. Rev. Jeff Chu, in a sermon entitled “The Theology of the Compost” shared as part of a conference called Evolving Faith in 2018,“The more time I spend at the compost pile, the…

Choose a Location

Our Lenten worship series, Composting Faith, continues as we reflect upon the location toward which Jesus journeys and wonder about the locations we might be called to move toward as we hold our lives & scripture in conversation with the Divine while spending time at the compost pile. Rev. Jeff Chu, in a sermon entitled “The Theology of the Compost” shared as part of a conference called Evolving Faith in 2018,“The more time I spend at the compost pile, the…

Choose Your Container

Worship is rooted in Luke 4:1-13 and our Lenten worship series, Composting Faith, which invites us to hold our lives & scripture in conversation with the Divine as we spend time at the compost pile. This week we wonder about choosing our container. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Ash Wednesday: Collect Your Materials

Our Lenten worship series, Composting Faith, begins on Ash Wednesday with worship inviting us to Collect Our Materials for the journey ahead as we hold our lives & scripture in conversation with the Divine while spending time at the compost pile. Rev. Jeff Chu, in a sermon entitled “The Theology of the Compost” shared as part of a conference called Evolving Faith in 2018,“The more time I spend at the compost pile, the more I wonder whether one thing we…
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