Rooted In Grace
Matt’s message is rooted in the parable of the Pharisee & the tax collector (Luke 18.9-14). Marjorie Procter-Smith asks, “If a tax collector can find mercy before God, who is excluded?” Luke’s Gospel tells us the tax collector goes down to his home justified by God, but we don’t know what his new life will look like. How might God call us beloved through the waters of baptism and long for us to deepen in our commitments to loving God and our neighbors? Matt invites…
Growing in Faith
Matt’s message is rooted in the story of Jacob wrestling with the divine (Genesis 32) and Jesus’ parable on praying always and not losing heart (Luke 18.1-8). How might we be called to wrestle with God in our Deep Commitments to God and our community of faith?
Reaching in Love
Matt’s message hold’s Amanda Lindsey Cook’s newly released The New Country in conversation with Jeremiah 29 and Luke 17. As we reflect on ways to deepen our commitments to God and one another, what “new country” might God be calling you toward as you reach in love?
Giving Generously
Matt’s message invites reflection on life together at The Table. How has God been moving among us at The Table this year? What might God’s vision be for The Table in the year ahead? What Deep Commitment might you be called to make to God and our community of faith for the coming year?

Deep Commitment
Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 22.34-46. This is the final week of our series called Deep. The worship series has invited our community to deepen our commitments in the following areas for the coming year: rooted in Grace, growing in faith, and reaching in love. This message invited our community into a time of communion and prayer and sharing our commitments.

We celebrated four Baptisms in worship on Sunday, October 16. Matt’s message invites reflection on the significance of Baptism and God’s invitation to practice our Baptism for all the days of our lives.

Reaching in Love
Our worship invited reflection on reaching in love. Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 22.1-13. The meditation on the text is based on the writing of Steve Garnaas-Holmes (Unfolding Light October 2011).

Growing in Faith
Our worship series, Deep, continues with reflection on Growing in Faith. Matt’s message is rooted in 2 Corinthians 8.1-15. The podcast opens with a segment of our music team leading If Not Now by Carrie Newcomer and closes with our musicians leading a version of You Gotta Move.

Rooted in Grace
Part II of Deep. How might we root our lives in Grace in the coming year? Matt’s message is centered in Philippians 2.1-13.

Measuring Depth
How do we measure the depth of our faith lives? How do measure our growth? Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 20.1-16, the parable of the laborers in the field. What outputs do we measure in hopes of growing in faith? What are the outcomes we desire as we root your life in Grace, grow in faith, & reach in love? This is the first in a six-week series on deepening our faith lives as individuals and as a community.