Our Vintage Church
Our Vintage Church’s Future: Tony Soprano, Pablo Escobar, & Jesus
Our gathering was rooted in Mark 9.38-50. Matt’s message invites reflection on how followers of Jesus have drawn lines of exclusion, yet Jesus is always on the other side of our lines…Jesus is always with the outsiders. How might this shape our vintage church’s next five years? Daryl Black joined our phenomenal music team again this morning as we continued our celebration of #thetableturns5. This is the third week in a three-week series called Our Vintage Church.
The Table Turns 5
We celebrated The Table turning 5 in worship this morning. Our gathering was rooted in Mark 9.30-37. This is the second week in a three-week series called Our Vintage Church.

An Audacious Legacy of Love & Justice
Rev. Dr. Karen Oliveto, Lead Pastor of Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco, looks back on our vintage church by reflecting on the life of Lizzy Glide. Lizzy was a loose woman with audacious faith that led her to live for others. The holy ground of The Table at Central UMC and Glide are Lizzy’s legacies of love and justice. Like Lizzy, John Wesley modeled an audacious & generous way of living. Karen dares us, double dares us, to use…