Reaching in Love
Sacred Work
Table, Sacramento, Christian, Church, Progressive, Inclusive, Justice, Peace, Reconciling, United Methodist, Morning Light, Faith, Works, Mortality, Sacred, Gospel, James, Precious, Wild, Life, Mary Oliver,
Sacred Ground
Worship is rooted in Joshua 24:1-2a,14-18 and a centering of the land as we seek to revere and serve the Lord. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
Sacred Food
Worship is rooted in John 6:51-58 and Jesus’ radical vision of sacramental life rooted in the breaking of bread and sharing of a cup. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Treasure in the Field
Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 13.44 the parable of the treasure in the field. Music selections include Jikelele (which means God is Everywhere -Universal), Do Justice by Dave Scherer of Agape, and All for the Love by Beth Nielsen Champman.

Ends of the Earth
Our Reaching in Love worship series continues with reflection on Acts 1.8. What might it mean to witness and reach in love “to the ends of the earth?” The recording opens and closes with our music team’s live version of Do Justice, with words and music by Agape (Dave Sherer).

Our Reaching in Love worship series continues with reflection on Acts 1.8. What might it mean to witness in Samaria? The recording closes with a cut from our music team’s live version of “All For The Love” by Beth Nielsen Chapman.

Our Reaching in Love worship series continues with reflection on Acts 1.8. The recording opens with a cut from our music team’s live version of “All For The Love” by Beth Nielsen Chapman. Our community gathered in prayer stations around this song to begin worship. Matt then reflects on what it means to witness and reach in love in our own neighborhoods. The recording closes with our communion liturgy, in which we weave spoken prayers by Linda Dew-Hiersoux with “All…

Our Reaching in Love worship series begins with reflection on Acts 1.8. What might it mean to reach in love in the places we call home? The opening song is called Do Justice by Dave Scherer (Agape) with Benwar Shephard and Emily Kollars on vocals.