Sermons by Matt Smith

Sermons by Matt Smith


This worship series is inspired by our community of faith’s Deep Commitments for 2025 and will celebrate the diverse ways God shows up in our lives and the world. A number of people expressed a longing to root their lives in grace by more intentionally deconstructing the toxic images of God which have shaped them. Many in our community are hoping to work this coming year on letting go of harmful images of God while opening up to the new…

The Road Isn’t Straight

Too often, we’ve been told that a successful life is a linear one. But in reality, our lives unfold with many unexpected twists and turns. The Magi follow a star, embarking on a long journey in a foreign land in order to honor the newborn Christ. Instead of returning to Herod as commanded, they trust their dreams and go home by another way. Their road isn’t straight, but God “makes a way in the wilderness” (Isaiah 43:19) as they follow…

Love Knows Your Name – 11pm

Christ’s birth makes the vastness of God personal. The God who made the seas and the stars is also the God who made your beautiful hair and your striking eyes. The God of creation takes on flesh, which means you are fully known. When the angels visit the shepherds in the fields, their message is global but also personal: “To you . . . a savior is born.” This birth is good news for everyone, especially those who are ignored…

Love Knows Your Name – 5pm

Christ’s birth makes the vastness of God personal. The God who made the seas and the stars is also the God who made your beautiful hair and your striking eyes. The God of creation takes on flesh, which means you are fully known. When the angels visit the shepherds in the fields, their message is global but also personal: “To you . . . a savior is born.” This birth is good news for everyone, especially those who are ignored…

Hope is Worth the Risk

Hope is vulnerable and can feel like a tremendous risk, especially if you’ve experienced loss or trauma. But Mary shows us a resilient hope that takes risks—she risks her body to bear a son who will become the hope of her people. Similarly, Joseph makes a risky choice to stay with Mary; dismissing her quietly would have kept him safe. But instead, he chooses hope. He chooses to trust the angel, and it makes all the difference. It can feel…

Do the good that is yours to do

The Gospel of Luke introduces John the Baptist as not just a primary character in Jesus’ birth story, but also a key player in his ministry. He is not the Messiah, but he paves the way for the One who will baptize with water and spirit. He does the good that is his to do. John harshly denounces the perpetrators of economic disparities, but he also provides them paths for redemption—for even they have good that is theirs to do.…

We Can’t Go Alone

One of life’s most essential lessons is that we are never meant to go alone. And yet, modern culture pushes us more and more into lonely silos. If Ruth had followed her culture’s norms, she would have gone home to her family of origin after her husband died, but instead, she commits herself to her mother-in-law, Naomi. Together they form a new family and covenant. Ruth and Naomi travel together to Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest, foreshadowing…

Hope in God

Worship in November at The Table weaves inspiring music with prophetic messages as we wonder together: What are the grounds for hope in a wounded world? We gather today in the wake of our national election and Pastor Matt’s message is rooted in Psalm 146 — we call on God to revive us again for the journey ahead. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Deepest Belonging

In this morning’s worship we celebrate baptism, renew baptismal covenants, and share Deep Commitments for 2025. This morning’s worship is rooted in Mark 10.46-52 and invites us to rejoice in the Deepest Belonging we experience from God as we practice our faith by sharing in life together with others at The Table. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

All Means All

Rev. Kara Root’s “The Deepest Belonging: A Story about Discovering Where God Meets Us” tells the story of Kara’s journey as a pastor with a small Presbyterian church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Kara’s writing has been a source of inspiration for this four-week worship series which invites our community of faith into the depths of what it means to belong to God and each other at The Table. Our worship series will culminate on October 27 with an opportunity to celebrate…

Growing & Giving

Rev. Kara Root’s “The Deepest Belonging: A Story about Discovering Where God Meets Us” tells the story of Kara’s journey as a pastor with a small Presbyterian church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Kara’s writing has been a source of inspiration for this four-week worship series which invites our community of faith into the depths of what it means to belong to God and each other at The Table. Our worship series will culminate on October 27 with an opportunity to celebrate…

Rooted & Reaching

Rev. Kara Root’s “The Deepest Belonging: A Story about Discovering Where God Meets Us” tells the story of Kara’s journey as a pastor with a small Presbyterian church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Kara’s writing has been a source of inspiration for this four-week worship series which invites our community of faith into the depths of what it means to belong to God and each other at The Table. Our worship series will culminate on October 27 with an opportunity to celebrate…
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