Sermons by Matt Smith (Page 15)
5pm Candlelight Christmas Eve
Matt’s Christmas Eve message for our 5pm candlelight worship at The Table is rooted in Luke 2.1-14.
Polishing Rehearsal
Polishing rehearsals are specifically held for the purpose of correcting problems that occurred in previous run-throughs. Actors and directors must discern what to do given certain challenges that have arisen throughout rehearsals. Similarly, John the Baptist is calling everyone around him to “correct problems” that have arisen in their life together. The people ask John what they should do and he replies with concrete next steps. What might we learn for our lives today from the ancient call by John the…
Read Through
Actors in a play read through the entire script in order to prepare. Similarly, the Christian calendar calls followers of Jesus to read through the entire script of the Good News as a way of preparing our hearts and minds for God-with-us, Emmanuel. Jesus calls his followers to “watch” and “stay awake” amidst the distress of the nations (Luke 21.25-36) near the end of his life. Our socio-economic, political, and ecological challenges are different today, but we find ourselves unquestionably in…
The F-Word
The F-Word is at the heart of Christianity. Matt’s message is rooted in Peter’s experience of a dark night that began began apocalyptically and then got worse (Luke 22). Peter betrayed the very center of who he said he wanted to be. Peter f’ed. What might the f-word have to teach us about following Jesus today?
Rooted in Grace
Matt’s message invites us to see the restoring of sight to Bartimaeus son of Timaeus in Mark’s gospel (10.45-52) through the lens of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton.” History has its eye on us. As we gather to celebrate the baptism of 2 adults & 7 children in worship and share in offering our Deep Commitments to God and this community of faith, may the faith of Bartimaeus son of Timaeus be passed on to us all.
Generous Giving
Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 10.2-16. A simple rejection of divorce on the surface, digging deeper we unearth a profound challenge in the Gospel: how will we talk more like a Christian should and walk more like Jesus would? How might you be called to Generous Giving in the coming year?
What do you do with the mad that you feel?
Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 9.38-50. In the wake of a divisive US Senate Subcommittee Hearing on Thursday, Matt looks back on the moment Mister Rogers’ witness at a previous hearing became a tipping point. What do we do with the mad that we feel?
Are You Ready?
Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 8.27-38. How might this tipping point in the Gospel of Mark call us to surrender our thin faith and find our way to costly discipleship?
Little Bit%#!
How might the raw and contentious encounter of Jesus with a Gentile woman of Syrophoenician origin be a tipping point for him and all of us? Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 7.24-37.
Anchored in Communion
Matt’s message is rooted in John 6.56-71. How might we sustain our relationship with God through Christ by breaking bread — sharing carbs from heaven?
Sit Down
Matt’s message holds the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 (John 6.1-21) in conversation with Mama Cat and the Pot Bangerz in St. Louis. Jesus and Mama Cat see the needs of those in their midst and call them to sit down in preparation for breaking bread.
While Paul’s letter to Philemon is often overlooked, this short book has been laid in the foundation of our Christian tradition. Matt’s message reflects on the impact of this short letter as an invitation to see through the eyes of God.