Sermons by Matt Smith (Page 18)

Sermons by Matt Smith (Page 18)

Push. Pull.

This is the first week in a four-week worship series on the book of IOur Co-Pastors were abel to study with Rev. Dr. David Vásquez-Levy last winter and this worship series is rooted in his critical reflection on Ruth. Matt’s message on Ruth 1 invites us into the story of Ruth and challenges us to consider  who we might be seeing as a stranger, or enemy. Who are we making other, when God sees them as beloved? Worship this morning includes original…


Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 22.15-22. Celebrating seven years at The Table, Matt brings us to wonder what legacies we will leave for next generations to come?

What’s Your Why?

Matt’s message is rooted in Philippians 4.1-9. Marlon Hall, a filmmaker & creative leader from Houston, led a workshop on innovation in ministry earlier this week in Sacramento.  Matt’s message weave’s Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi with lessons from Marlon Hall on innovation:  What is the story of your why? Here is a link to Marlon Hall’s short film on Houston.  

Planting Seeds

The Table at Central UMC is turning 7 this month! How has God led us over these seven years? Where do we find ourselves today? What might God’s invitation be for our future? Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 21.23-32 and invites reflection on the seeds God is planting in our own lives and in the lives of our neighbors.

Radical Ritual

Over sixty thousand people gathered this week for Burning Man to celebrate Radical Ritual. As thousands searched for purpose & meaning on the playa, we gathered in worship at The Table to reflect on the depth & beauty of our ancient tradition’s radical rituals. Pastor Matt invites reflection on the radical roots of Holy Communion. Pastor Linda reminds us of the healing waters of Baptism. Pastor Chris challenges us to receive God’s anointing for our work in the world.

Found, Take 3

Jesus asks his followers, “Who do you say I am?” Matt’s message weaves this question from Matthew 16.13-20 with an unexpected experience of being found by grace at a nation-wide vigil called Standing in Solidarity with Charlottesville.  This is the third week of our worship series, Found, focused on noticing & celebrating grace in our everyday lives.

Detroit/Beatriz at Dinner

On the last Sunday of the worship series, Faith & Films, Matt relates Detroit and Beatriz at Dinner to the scripture Matthew 14.13-21. Both of these films convey very raw and powerful messages which can easily leave us feeling overwhelmed. Can you look to those around you and consider them your brothers and sisters? May we be the change to break down the walls and build up bridges and to create beloved community together.

Cars 3

Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 13.31-33, 44-52. Matt connects the story of the disciples and Jesus in Matthew with the new Disney Pixar film, Cars 3. Lightning McQueen faces the struggles of trying to learn the new technology while he is still stuck in the old days. Just like in Cars 3, these parables in the reading are demonstrating the old and the new coming together and bringing out the treasures of what our tradition and Scripture teach us…


This new worship series, Faith & Films, will take us through different films each week and relate them to our Christian story. In preparation for the Fourth of July, Matt walks us through the story of Jackie Robinson in “42”, the first African American to play Major League Baseball. Rooted in Matthew 10.40-42, Matt uses this film to challenge us to reflect on faith and social change through the lens of baseball and the story of one player. Scene from…

All-Vulnerable God

Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 9.35-10.8 and Richard Rohr’s The Divine Dance: Trinity and Your Transformation. On this Father’s Day, we’re invited to rethink the power of God as powerlessness & love. How might the vulnerability of God restore us to community and call us to invite others into the Divine Dance?


Matt’s message is rooted in the story of Pentecost from Acts 2 and the Risen One’s breathing the Holy Spirit on the disciples in John 20.19-22.  How might the disruptive ways of the Holy Spirit be luring you to join the trinitarian flow in a Divine Dance?  Our worship series in rooted in Fr. Richard Rohr’s The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation.  This podcast includes brief clips from the following songs from worship at The Table this morning:…

The Rumbling Continued…

Matt’s message is rooted in John 14. 15-21. Jesus promises the disciples that God will not leave them orphaned. God is sending the Holy Spirit as another paraclete, or helper, to accompany them. How might this promise guide us in rumbling with the stories of our lives as we Rise Strong in and through God’s love?
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