Sermons by Matt Smith (Page 26)
God Loves You
Matt’s message is rooted in Psalm 133. This is the final week of our four-week worship series called Talking Ourselves into Being Christian based on Testimony by Thomas Long.
Matt’s message is rooted in Psalm 139 and the Thomas Long’s Testimony: Talking Ourselves into Being Christian. How do we reclaim Jesus’ call to witness to our faith? This is the first week in a four-week series called Talking Ourselves into Being Christian.
jacob the trickster
Matt’s message is rooted in Genesis 25.19-34 and the writing of Marion Grau. Jacob is both an unabashed trickster and God’s preference. How might we address this tension? How have tricksters followed in the ways of Jesus? How might God call us to such ways today? This is the final week in our five-week worship series called World Cup: Rhythms of Faith from Around the World.
Forgiven Forgivers
Matt’s message is rooted in the exclusion of Hagar and Ishmael by Sarah and Abraham (Genesis 21.8-21) and the writings of Miroslav Volf of Croatia. How does our understanding of God through Christ form us as forgiven forgivers? This is the third week of our five-week worship series on the World Cup: Rhythms of Faith from Around the World.
Creation, World Cup, & Ivone Gebara
Matt’s message is rooted in the first creation story of Genesis 1.1-2.4 and invites reflection on the interrelatedness of all creation. The message begins our series on the World Cup. Each week will focus on the writing and teaching of a prophetic theologian/pastor from one of the countries competing in this year’s World Cup. This message draws on the work of Ivone Gebara of Brazil. Ivone Gebara is one of Latin America’s leading Roman Catholic theologians. Gebara writes about our relationship with earth and…
Matt’s message is rooted in the story of Pentecost from Acts 2 & Jan Richardson’s Pentecost: This Grace that Scorched Us.
Worship, Mission, and the Möbius Strip
Matt’s message is rooted in Acts 17.22-31 and the image of a Möbius strip. Ruth Myers, a professor of liturgy and worship at Church Divinity School of the Pacific, introduced the Möbius strip in a class on Missional Worship at the Graduate Theological Union. Matt draws upon the work of Dr. Myers to outline ways of thinking about how worship and mission relate. How does worship relate to mission for you?
Voices of the Voiceless
We conclude our worship series on the Art & Resurrection of Justice with Linda and Matt’s message on the voices of the voiceless. The message is rooted in John 10. The biblical scholarship and reflection for this message draws upon the writing of Anne Howard’s blog Change the Soundtrack and the contemporary stories shared from southeast Asia come from David Batstone’s Not for Sale.
Food Insecurity
Matt’s message reflects on food insecurity through the lens of A Place at the Table and the Road to Emmaus.
Easter worship rooted in Matthew 28.1-10.
Parable of the Prodigal Son
Matt’s message is rooted in the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15.11-32).
Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard
Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 20.1-6.