Sermons by Matt Smith (Page 28)

Sermons by Matt Smith (Page 28)

The Hope of Heaven

Matt’s message reflects on the hope of heaven and is rooted in Romans 15.13. This worship series is based on Christopher Morse’s The Difference Heaven Makes.

Theologies of Heaven

We experienced technical difficulties with our recording of worship.  This podcast is a recording of the message a few days later.  Matt’s message explores ways in which heaven has been talked about by theologians and invites reflection on how we might talk about heaven today. This worship series is based on Christopher Morse’s The Difference Heaven Makes.

Hearing of Heaven Today

Matt’s message explores ways in which heaven was imagined in biblical times and in our contemporary world.  Matt holds these images in tension and invites reflection on how we might imagine heaven in our lives today. Isaiah 60.1-9 frames the message.  This worship series is based on Christopher Morse’s The Difference Heaven Makes.

Vacation & Sabbath

Matt’s message is rooted in Psalm 71 and invites reflection on the relationship between vacationing and Sabbath-keeping.  What might the tradition of Sabbath-keeping have to teach followers of Jesus about our addiction to busyness and our experience of vacationing?

Swimming Lessons & Faith

Matt’s message is rooted in Psalm 82. What might the metaphor of swimming lessons have to teach us about growing in faith and reaching in love? What is our plan for learning to swim? Who around us might be drowning?

Crossfit & Faith

Matt’s message is rooted in Psalm 52 and invites reflection on what people of faith might learn from Crossfit as we seek to practice our faith.

Baseball as a Road to God

Matt’s message is rooted in Psalm 25 and John Sexton’s Baseball as a Road to God. What might we learn from baseball as we consider our own relationship to faith?  NOTE: We had technical difficulties in worship with our recording device.  We were unable to record our opening prayer which focused on the emotions swirling among us in the wake of the verdict of not guilty for George Zimmerman’s murder of Trayvon Martin.  Similarly, the witness of Scott Stiewig was…


Our worship series on the Quadrilateral continues with emphasis on Reason.  Matt’s message is rooted in Romans 12.1-3.  “John Wesley believed that the living core of the Christian faith was revealed in Scripture, illumined by tradition, vivified in personal experience, and confirmed by reason” (UM Book of Discipline). How is our faith formed and informed by Reason?


Our worship series on the Quadrilateral begins with Scripture. Matt’s message is rooted in 2 Timothy 3.10-17.  “John Wesley believed that the living core of the Christian faith was revealed in Scripture, illumined by tradition, vivified in personal experience, and confirmed by reason” (UM Book of Discipline).  How do you relate to Scripture?  How does the Bible shape your faith?

Yes to the Mess

Matt’s message  focuses on Acts 2 and concludes our worship series on the book of acts and Jazz.


Matt’s message is rooted in Acts 6.1-7.  How might God be calling us to accomany the musicians around us?  What might we learn about growing in faith from the leading and following required by jazz musicians?

Even Them? Even Them!

Matt’s message is rooted in Acts 11.1-18.  What constraints do we need in our lives in order to be most free?  Matt’s message explores the way Peter navigated the religious rules of his day in ways that allowed him to see God’s love could be “even for the Gentiles.” How might the three rules of John Wesley (Do good. Do no harm. Stay in love with God.) lead to freedom in our lives?
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