"advent" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)
God’s Doberman
Linda’s message on this second Sunday in Advent is rooted in Matthew 3.1-12. How might God be calling us to repent of despair as we move toward the hope of Emmanuel?
Dress Rehearsal
Linda’s message is rooted in Mary’s Magnificat from Luke 1.46-55. God partners with Mary & Elizabeth to save the world. In this morning’s worship, Mary moves to center stage and we are invited to join her in a dress rehearsal for God’s coming into the world.
Read Through
Actors in a play read through the entire script in order to prepare. Similarly, the Christian calendar calls followers of Jesus to read through the entire script of the Good News as a way of preparing our hearts and minds for God-with-us, Emmanuel. Jesus calls his followers to “watch” and “stay awake” amidst the distress of the nations (Luke 21.25-36) near the end of his life. Our socio-economic, political, and ecological challenges are different today, but we find ourselves unquestionably in…
Pastor Chris’s message is rooted in Luke 1.26-38. What is the “yes” God is inviting you into as we move ever closer to the birth of hope in Bethlehem?
Don’t Freak Out
Pastor Chris’s Advent message is rooted in Isaiah 40.1-11. The people of God have moved through troubling times throughout the generations. How might this Advent season invite us to work the quality of our waiting?
Things Are Not Okay
In the midst of our hopes & fears, we welcome God’s coming again this Advent season. Linda’s message invites reflection on Isaiah 64 & Mark 13.24-37.
Linda’s message on this first Sunday of Advent invites us to watch for signs of God’s hope waiting to be born amidst the uncertainties of life. Worship is rooted in Gregory Porter’s Take Me To The Alley & Matthew 24:36-44.
Linda’s message is rooted in Micah 5.1-5a. How might we open to the thin places of God’s deep peace as we prepare for the Advent of God’s new reality?
Linda’s message is rooted in Malachi 3.1-4 and invites reflection on love as we move into the second week of our Advent worship series, Christmas Is Coming. How might God’s refining love be shaping you for the Advent of a new reality?
Matt’s message is rooted in Jeremiah 33.14-16. This is the first week in a four-week worship series called Christmas is Coming. Here is a link to the video, Beyond Bethlehem, played during the message.
Walk in the Light
We begin our worship series, The Advent Way, with reflection on God’s invitation for us to walk in the light. Matt’s message is rooted in Isaiah 2.1-5.
It Gets Better
Linda’s message is rooted in Micah 5.2-5. What words of hope did Micah offer to the people of God who had known great unrest and turmoil in the northern Kingdom and Jerusalem in ancient days? Where will we turn today to find glimpses of hope? Included video of LA’s Gay Men’s Chorus. (4 of 4)