"Baptism" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

"Baptism" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

Rooted In Grace

Matt’s message is rooted in the parable of the Pharisee & the tax collector (Luke 18.9-14). Marjorie Procter-Smith asks, β€œIf a tax collector can find mercy before God, who is excluded?” Luke’s Gospel tells us the tax collector goes down to his home justified by God, but we don’t know what his new life will look like. How might God call us beloved through the waters of baptism and long for us to deepen in our commitments to loving God and our neighbors? Matt invites…

Easter Sunrise

We gathered at sunrise in the Rose Garden in McKinley Park to celebrate resurrection & baptism. Linda’s sunrise Easter message is rooted in Luke 24.1-12.

Rooted in Grace

Matt’s message invites us to see theΒ restoring of sight to Bartimaeus son of Timaeus in Mark’s gospel (10.45-52) through the lens of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton.” Β History has its eye on us. As we gather toΒ celebrate the baptism of 2 adults & 7 children in worship and share in offering our Deep Commitments to God and this community of faith, may the faith of Bartimaeus son of Timaeus be passed on to us all.

Embracing Diversity in Gender & Sexuality

Matt’s message holds the story of the Ethiopian eunuch from Acts 8. 26-40 in conversation with Lady Bird’s representation of gender & sexuality. Β What might scripture have to teach us about embracing diversity in gender and sexuality today?

Easter Sunrise

We celebrated the Baptism of 2 adults & 3 children as we gathered for Easter worship at sunrise in the Rose Garden at McKinley Park. Matt’s Easter Sunrise message is rooted in the resurrection story from John’s Gospel in which the Risen One calls Mary by name and she recognizes him. Β What difference might God’s calling us by name make in our lives this Easter?


We gathered in worship this morning to celebrate the baptism of 19 children & adults at The Table, to renew our baptismal vows, and to share our Deep Commitments. Worship was rooted in Matthew 22.34-40 and Linda’s message invites reflection on Jesus’ call to love God and neighbor.

Baptism in the Trinitarian Flow of Love

Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 28.16-20 and writings of Father Richard Rohr. LindaΒ invites us to wonder about our baptism into the trinitarian flow of love. What might it mean for us to be baptized & sent in this way?

easter sunrise

Linda’s message for Easter sunrise in the Rose Garden at McKinley Park is rooted in the resurrection story from John. We celebrated the baptism of one adult and three children as we gathered in the rose garden as the sun rose on Easter.


Matt’s message is rooted in 2 Timothy 4.6-8, 16-18. Like Paul’s deep commitment to follow Jesus, the waters of new life are poured over those who wish to follow in those same foot steps and be welcomed into God’s warmest, loving family.

Ruined by Baptism

We celebrated the Baptism of 7 adults and 5 children in worship this morning. Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 10.46-52. Β The baptismal liturgy is adapted from Marcia McFee & the closing song is based on Matthew’s Song by Agape (David Scherer).

Rooted in Grace

Linda’s message is rooted in the story of Jesus’ baptism as recorded in Mark 1.9-11. Β How might baptismΒ shape us as a people who are rooted in Grace?

Baptism at The Table

This is the final weekΒ in a three-week worship series on Godly Play and welcoming children at The Table.Β Matt’s message is rooted in the baptismal liturgy of our community (adapted from a liturgy by Marcia McFee), Godly Play’s story of baptism, and the baptism of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. Β We will celebrate baptism on Sunday, October 25. We hope this message will help us in getting ready for the beauty and power of baptism.
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