"christian" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)
Sacred Work
Table, Sacramento, Christian, Church, Progressive, Inclusive, Justice, Peace, Reconciling, United Methodist, Morning Light, Faith, Works, Mortality, Sacred, Gospel, James, Precious, Wild, Life, Mary Oliver,
The Couch of Transformation
Worship this Sunday holds the biblical account of transfiguration from Mark 9.2-9 in conversation with the recently released film called Freud’s Last Session. Instead of viewing the film from the posture of feeling compelled to take sides with either Freud or Lewis, we instead invite you to notice Freud’s couch of transformation. Worship online with thetable.live. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
Reparations with Rev. Debbie Weatherspoon
Worship online with The Table 9:30am Sunday (July 19) shared from our homes to your home. Help flatten the curve and find bread for the journey with The Table. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
Creatures Gonna Complain
Worship online with The Table 9:30am Sunday (July 5) shared from our homes to your home. Help flatten the curve and find bread for the journey with The Table. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
Grinder, Burning Man, and a Pastor on the Playa
Linda’s message invites reflection on Burning Man, Default Worlds, and the Letter of James (James 1.17-27). Do you want to hear the story of how we changed someone’s life today?
Pastor Matt’s 11pm Candlelight Christmas Eve message is rooted in John 1. 1-14.
I Am Not
The hopes & fears of all the years will be met in a vulnerable child in a little town that is both far away and right here. John was clear he was not the long awaited Messiah and embraced his calling to be a witness. Matt’s Advent message weaves reflections on the story of our church community with readings from Isaiah 61.1-11 and John 1.6-8,19-28. How might grace inspire and shape our call to be witnesses to a new redemption…
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