"Division" Tagged Sermons

"Division" Tagged Sermons


The root of the word “human” is the same as the word “humility.” It all means literally “on the ground.” From dust we came, and to dust we shall return. When we hear each other’s fears, anxieties, and pain, we can return to the ground of hope… that we are all experiencing the pains of being human. This week, we remember to look first at our neighbor as a person, not a position. Beginning conversations this way may help us…

Sacred Food

Worship is rooted in John 6:51-58 and Jesus’ radical vision of sacramental life rooted in the breaking of bread and sharing of a cup. Worship online with thetable.live. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Off The Easel

Our “Abstracting August” series will hold readings assigned to the global Christian church, alongside abstract art and a communal abstract art project led by our artist in residence Erik Castellanos. Worship is rooted in Luke 12:49-56.

Know Justice, Know Peace

Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 12:49-56 in which Jesus stridently calls the crowd “hypocrites” and announces he’s come to bring division instead of peace. On the surface, this doesn’t seem to be the Prince of Peace we’ve been called to follow. How might Jesus be calling you to stand for justice and peace in our deeply divided world? What might God need to burn away in your life and in the world as you root yourself in the way…
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