"faith" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)

"faith" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)


Pastor Matt’s 11pm Candlelight Christmas Eve message is rooted in John 1. 1-14.


How might the beautiful, simple, & inspiring ingredients that have been passed down to us through the generations stir up the gift of God among us? Matt’s message invites the love of God to rekindle our imaginations as we discern making Deep Commitments at The Table. Worship on  is rooted in 2 Timothy 1.1-14.

Growing in Faith

Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 10.17-31.  What powers might be holding us captive and preventing us from taking a next step into the freedom toward which Grace lures us? How might we grow in faith? What might the story of Jesus and the rich young ruler have to teach us about growing in faith today?

Caring for Creation

Matt’s message is rooted in Psalm 139 and Romans 8.19-23. How are we called to care for creation as followers of Jesus?  What might our faith tradition have to teach us about honoring the earth?  This is the first week in a four-week worship.  The segment from the closing song for the podcast was recorded as our prayer of confession in worship. The song is called Hymn of Remorse by Brian McLaren and Tracy Howe.  Here is a link to…


Matt’s message invites reflection on Salvation and is rooted in James 2.14-26. What are you saved for? How might you notice the salvation that IS at hand in the world? This is the fifth week of our five-week worship series called On Ramp. The music featured in this podcast includes live versions from worship of Make a Difference by Rachel Kurtz and Benediction by Josh Garrels.

Faithful Doubt & Doubting Faith

Linda’s message invites reflection on growing in faith at The Table.  How will you grow in faith at The Table in the coming year? What is holding you back from growing in faith? What is your next step for growing in faith?  This is the second week of a five-week series called How Deep? The message is rooted in Matthew 14.22-33.

Crossfit & Faith

Matt’s message is rooted in Psalm 52 and invites reflection on what people of faith might learn from Crossfit as we seek to practice our faith.

Finding the One

Matt’s message is rooted in the conversion of Saul in Acts 9.1-20.  Who are the “musicians” who come alongside us in our times of transformation and conversion? Who has given us a hand? Who helps us to find the one?

Take a Knee

This is the first week in our seven-week worship series on the book of Acts and jazz.  Matt’s message is rooted in Acts 5.27-32. The early church had to improvise following the death and resurrection of Jesus. What plans do we follow? How do we improvise when the plans go awry? How might we learn to take a knee?

Crossfit & Faith

Matt’s message invites reflection on Crossfit & church. The message is rooted in Ephesians 6.10-20. What might the church learn from Crossfit’s high intensity, constantly varied, and funtional philosophy of fitness? How might we measure our growth as followers of Jesus?
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