"Fire" Tagged Sermons

"Fire" Tagged Sermons

Messiah Paradox

CLIMATE + FAITH: A Lenten worship series at The Table on how we can help meet the greatest challenge in human history. In virtually every transformative movement in human history – the abolitionist movement against slavery, the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, the movements for women’s suffrage, labor protections, dismantling apartheid in South Africa, the list goes on – in each of these cases, people of faith have been at the center of the action. Catalysts. Laborers. Visionaries.…

Off The Easel

Our “Abstracting August” series will hold readings assigned to the global Christian church, alongside abstract art and a communal abstract art project led by our artist in residence Erik Castellanos. Worship is rooted in Luke 12:49-56.

Know Justice, Know Peace

Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 12:49-56 in which Jesus stridently calls the crowd “hypocrites” and announces he’s come to bring division instead of peace. On the surface, this doesn’t seem to be the Prince of Peace we’ve been called to follow. How might Jesus be calling you to stand for justice and peace in our deeply divided world? What might God need to burn away in your life and in the world as you root yourself in the way…

What do you do with the mad that you feel?

Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 9.38-50. In the wake of a divisive US Senate Subcommittee Hearing on Thursday, Matt looks back on the moment Mister Rogers’ witness at a previous hearing became a tipping point. What do we do with the mad that we feel?
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