"grief" Tagged Sermons

"grief" Tagged Sermons

Come and See

Worship is rooted in John 1.43-51. Rev. Dr. Audrey West writes, “Who would imagine that God’s anointed one could come from a place so distant from the center of power? A messiah from Nazareth, in Galilee?! Inconceivable! … Whatever the genesis of Nathanael’s opinion, neither Jesus nor Philip argues with him. Instead, Jesus remains nearby and Philip simply invites Nathanael to ‘come and see;—apparently, not a bad evangelism strategy.” Worship invites us to wonder about who invited us to “Come…

How Will We Bear It?

Our Lenten worship series is rooted in scripture and the Sabbath poetry of Wendell Berry; today’s worship focusing on John 18:1-19:30 & Wendell Berry Poem: II, 1988, “It is the destruction of the world” Worship online with thetable.live. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

The Reality of Death

Our Lenten worship series, Composting Faith, continues as we reflect upon the location toward which Jesus journeys and wonder about the locations we might be called to move toward as we hold our lives & scripture in conversation with the Divine while spending time at the compost pile. Rev. Jeff Chu, in a sermon entitled “The Theology of the Compost” shared as part of a conference called Evolving Faith in 2018,“The more time I spend at the compost pile, the…

The Task of Grief

Linda’s message is rooted in John 11.28-36. Grief is part of God’s story. Grief is part of Jesus’ story. Grief is part of our Christian story. Linda’s message invites reflection on how we might relate to grief as we practice our faith today. Click Details to download supporting materials.
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