"Joseph" Tagged Sermons

"Joseph" Tagged Sermons

The Road Isn’t Straight

Too often, we’ve been told that a successful life is a linear one. But in reality, our lives unfold with many unexpected twists and turns. The Magi follow a star, embarking on a long journey in a foreign land in order to honor the newborn Christ. Instead of returning to Herod as commanded, they trust their dreams and go home by another way. Their road isn’t straight, but God “makes a way in the wilderness” (Isaiah 43:19) as they follow…

Love Knows Your Name – 11pm

Christ’s birth makes the vastness of God personal. The God who made the seas and the stars is also the God who made your beautiful hair and your striking eyes. The God of creation takes on flesh, which means you are fully known. When the angels visit the shepherds in the fields, their message is global but also personal: “To you . . . a savior is born.” This birth is good news for everyone, especially those who are ignored…

Love Knows Your Name – 5pm

Christ’s birth makes the vastness of God personal. The God who made the seas and the stars is also the God who made your beautiful hair and your striking eyes. The God of creation takes on flesh, which means you are fully known. When the angels visit the shepherds in the fields, their message is global but also personal: “To you . . . a savior is born.” This birth is good news for everyone, especially those who are ignored…

Hope is Worth the Risk

Hope is vulnerable and can feel like a tremendous risk, especially if you’ve experienced loss or trauma. But Mary shows us a resilient hope that takes risks—she risks her body to bear a son who will become the hope of her people. Similarly, Joseph makes a risky choice to stay with Mary; dismissing her quietly would have kept him safe. But instead, he chooses hope. He chooses to trust the angel, and it makes all the difference. It can feel…

We Tell The Story (11pm Candlelight Christmas Eve)

Worship online with thetable.live. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804 Opportunities to Reach in Love for Christmas Our Christmas Offering during this worship series called From Generation to Generation will support two important ministries: Half of our Christmas Offering will go directly to the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership’s Food Closet. The other half of our Christmas Offering will help Table Bread purchase a commercial stand mixer. Here is a link to give online. Give online here to support our Christmas Offering.…

We Tell The Story (5pm Candlelight Christmas Eve)

Worship online with thetable.live. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804 Opportunities to Reach in Love for Christmas Our Christmas Offering during this worship series called From Generation to Generation will support two important ministries: Half of our Christmas Offering will go directly to the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership’s Food Closet. The other half of our Christmas Offering will help Table Bread purchase a commercial stand mixer. Here is a link to give online. Give online here to support our Christmas Offering.…

When a Dream Re-Ordered the World

Linda’s message on this fourth Sunday in Advent is rooted in the story of Joseph from Matthew 1.18-25. God speaks to Joseph in a dream; calling him to defy social & religious conventions in the name of love. How might we be open to God’s voice speaking to us this day? 

Resolve to Forgive

Pastor Chris has created this worship series called Baggage as part of his Path 1 Residency in Church Planting at The Table. In this last week of his three-week worship series, Chris walks us through the story of Joseph and his brothers, rooted in Genesis 50. 15-21. How do you bring peace back to your spirit after it has been broken so bad by others? Can we learn to be more willing to relinquish our rights to our baggage and allow…


Matt’s message is rooted in the dream of Joseph (Matthew 1.18-25). On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we remember God’s call to Joseph in a dream. How might we follow Joseph in saying yes to the power, mystery, and scandalous love waiting to be born amidst shame & disgrace?
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