"lowly" Tagged Sermons

"lowly" Tagged Sermons

Growing & Giving

Rev. Kara Root’s “The Deepest Belonging: A Story about Discovering Where God Meets Us” tells the story of Kara’s journey as a pastor with a small Presbyterian church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Kara’s writing has been a source of inspiration for this four-week worship series which invites our community of faith into the depths of what it means to belong to God and each other at The Table. Our worship series will culminate on October 27 with an opportunity to celebrate…

Make Christianity Great Again

Linda’s message is rooted in Mark 9.30-37. Jesus asked the disciples, “What were you arguing about on the way?”  But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another who was the greatest. What does greatness look like for followers of Jesus?
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